Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Wow! Lots of broody birds! :) Yeah, mine "flirt" something like that. I've only noticed my female doing it during mating season, so maybe it's a clue. I don't really know. The rest of the time, if there's gentle nibbling or biting, it seems to be the male saying "You're in my space!" -- more like a pecking order thing. Hope you're able to figure it out!
Wow! Lots of broody birds! :) Yeah, mine "flirt" something like that. I've only noticed my female doing it during mating season, so maybe it's a clue. I don't really know. The rest of the time, if there's gentle nibbling or biting, it seems to be the male saying "You're in my space!" -- more like a pecking order thing. Hope you're able to figure it out!
Hum interesting, Because it is only my female that does it. When yours do this does the male do anything back?? Like will he entangle his neck around her or just ignore her? Mine seems to just stand there ignoring her, he doesn't stop her but doesn't participate.

What age do they usually mate? he was born March 2015 so I would think he would show some interest by now? When all my girls are in the coop, he stands outside it. Still doesn't make a sound just stands there.

GRRRR I wish he would either lay an egg or get some action. LOL, I would love to know if I need to get a male or not....
The flirting, as much as I have noticed, is a pre-mating thing for mine. His response is usually to mount her! Yeah, I would think yours would be showing some interest. Mine mated their first spring (at about 9 months old) -- though they weren't terribly good at it at first. I don't know why he would be ignoring her. The standing outside thing sounds kinda gander-ish to me. Mine "stands guard" all the time, and that is especially his job while she's nesting. He seems to take it pretty seriously. It's cute. :) I sympathize! I'd be frustrated too! But it sounds like you found a good use for all that wonderful broodiness! :)
Hello Ruru,
I bought 2 Sebastopol hatching eggs last summer off of Ebay. I know that is risky but I had good luck with Guieas. However, only one Sebastopol survived and it is smooth coated. When I asked the seller about it, she responded that she had both and that she did it have any control over wether my eggs would be curly or smooth? So... tells me a lot about her integrity.
I am now looking for some new hatching eggs. The photos of your Sebastopols are beautiful. Do you sell hatching eggs? Or know of a reputable breeder who does?
Sincerely, Carol Bass
Feet are getting a lot better, these pics were taken a couple of weeks ago but check out the improvement..

Boy is first girl is second,,,

Hi everyone!

I have a question. My Sebastopol goose has made a nest, and has so far got 3 eggs in it!! We have had a really warm spell in the weather recently (high of 60s), but the predicted weather for this coming weekend is seriously cold (single digits!). That's Vermont! :) My question is this: is there anything I can/should do to keep her eggs from freezing? She's not broody yet, but I think she is sleeping on the nest at night. I'm mostly worried about the day-time and early-evening temperatures, which will probably be 20ish degrees at the most. Any suggestions? Thanks!

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