Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

I don't have too many posts yet. I tend to read everyones and smile. Now I am starting to post though so maybe I will be able to get some pics up. All of my sebs are curly and beautiful. I have a saddleback that is picture perfect-at least in my mind.

Where at in CO are you located. You should check out the Colorado thread. We're all on there

Do you sell your Sebbie eggs. (my question mark isn't working on my keyboard
I don't think you have to have many posts. I could be wrong though. To go Uploads on the tool bar. There you can pick a picture and upload it. Once you get the picture uploaded then you "copy" the "image" not the picture or thumbnails, and paste on to your reply.
You look as if you have a pair of lavanders. The first picture looks like a male. Notice the thick legs on him compared to the other that looks like a female. Also, his head and neck seem thicker as well. You can see that in the second picture of them.
I don't have any new pictures of mine lately. My male, Fred, seems like his trying to quack like my Super African female goose. Funny to hear him. He has a very high pitched...... well, squeek sound. When they run it's as if something scared the bageebers out of them..... roflol. My American buff is getting some good air under her lately and loving it. My Super not so much as..... lol. The 2 sebbies?? No air at all. If anything they do a nice face plant on occassion. Pitiful.
HI I just got 4 Sebbies this weekend and i'm in love. I believe the lady said they are offspring of Holderread Geese. I have 3 whites and 1 Saddleback. Anyway i and new to geese, are there any good books out there on them? Supposedly i have 3 females and 1 male, they are 2 years old. Any help on sexing them would be very helpful. Also what do they like to nest in? right now we have a dog house with straw but they seem to prefer to sleep outside at night. I want to build them some sort of house maybe with nest boxes? We want to let them free range during the day but i'm not sure they will go back in their pen or house at night? do they go to roost like chickens? Any help would be greatly appriciated. BTW I LOVEEEE these geese!! lol
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IMHO The Book of Geese by Dave Holderread is the best for domestic geese. I think it might be out of print but is still available from the author. it was put on line at if you want to sample it or read on line for free.
Nest for laying eggs they like overhead cover since they seem to know that other birds [crows etc} would eat their eggs. mine liked under rose bushes, they would carry in straw and build a nest, others will use doghouses or simple A frame covers, beleive it or not mine liked to have a good view of what was around her. She would stick her head out and freeze if there was anything to fear. Ganders usually guard the nest from a slight distance so as to not draw unwanted attention to the nest area. For just loafing around mine liked to use the straw that I left for their use. Geese do not roost and aren't too fond of going in a house at night. set yourself with a feeding place near the entrance to the house and feed them only there just before you want to lock them up for the night so they are easy to herd them in. after a couple of weeks they will know what you want them to do, but that doesn't mean that they will want to do it. LOL.~gd
I purchased "The Book of Geese" thru Holderread's site last week, and it arrived the beginning of this week (my Christmas gift to myself
). So I can attest that they still have them available. Just fill out an order form and send it with a check like you were ordering ducks/geese. There were a few copies on Ebay and Amazon, but they were way more expensive.

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