Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

I don't really name my birds, they don't last long when i name them. Some do acquire nick names that distinguishes them from the rest like, the chickens are yellow hen, old red, young red, phoenix, and the ducks are old hen, nana, and milo. The other sebastopols are just goose and gander.

This female is still in my quarantine pen and won't get let out with the others until deemed "clean" and until then i am trying not to form and type of bond with her just incase i don't end up keeping her or if she is sick or something.
thiese are two that i just rescued some one dumped them off at oure local lake



it was intresting they where on the dock and the edge of the dock has about a one foot edge so they did not try to go over so we heard them up away from the water into the grass and put oure arms out and made a human corral and got the white one but the grey one got away
and went into the water so after about an hour later we left for 30-40 min and then came back and he was on the bank eating the feed i threw out so coaxed him out further and sliped behind him and ran him into the grass again
and coraled him again and got him
So glad you got them before winter really sets in. They're so pretty!

I haev a question about twisted wing tips. Would it help to pair a seb with twisted tips to a smoothe bird, or should they just not be bred at all?
it is better to breed a smooth breasted to a curly breasted. they will throw both smooth and curlys and reduce the chances of the twisted wings
and most times you will get even more curls on the babys

and yes crj i am going to keep them unless they both turn out to be boys then i would have to find one of them a new home

the grey goose is HUGE he is two times bigger than my two year old pair of female american buffs and he dwarfs my one year old african gander
Ok- good. I had heard that smoothe x curly helped prevent angel wing, but wasn't sure about the twisted tips. I just got another gander that is gorgeous otherwise. There is no shortage of smoothe girls around here though. Its just pairing them up that I am going to have a hard time with. The toulouse are soooo much easier!
Hopefully the white one is a female. I don't worry about angle wing in my geese. I think it's just the wing shafts are week in these birds. Eventually these feathers fall out and new ones grow in. Sometimes they grow in just fine. Mine around bad if at all. I'll have to look and see. Sometimes they stick out sometimes they don't.

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