Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Does anyone have any info on determining color in young goslings? I have to that are 4 weeks old, came from a buff saddle back goose and white gander, as of right now almost all yellow is gone and white down is coming in. Will i have to wait til they feather out to see if they are buff saddle backs or since all their down in white will they also be white? I have 2 more that came from colored stock but look like any other sebbie baby. my most recent 3 came from all white elite holderreads stock(I have to check with the breeder to make sure there wasn't any coloring further back that he knows of) I got them for free!! so I'm not complaining but the one has a very dark grey saddle and there is some grayish black pigment on her/his bill so i wonder if its just that its a girl or if I'll get lucky and get a colored baby! I just wanted to know if you can tell if it's a splash or buff or blue before they start to get feathers.
Can't help you with the buffs, but a grey saddleback will usually have dark markings on his beak and possible feet. The pattern is more distinct and darker than the white guys as well.
Here's a visual for you! Freshly hatched grey saddlebacks. I have no idea what color the little silvery looking ones are. Daddy is blue splash so I'll go with that. Oh, top left is a blue american. I would imagine a blue sebbie looks similar.


see the black on her beak?

thanks! her back is about the same as yours her bill is a little lighter then the ones pictured. with the buff saddle backs will they have white down? They 4 week olds are just starting to get wing and tail feathers but they have all white down so is there still a chance of them getting buff feathers when they come in? I'll have to post pics of my menagerie. lol
Thanks! actually it does. mine look exactly like your whites! lol unless their saddle comes in buff i guess they are all white. lol now i have to get a pic of my little dark colored baby and see what everyone says
here are my 3. All from the same goose. You can't tell as much in the pic but the one on the far right is darker then the one in the middle making me think it should be a girl since they are from white parents that are supposed to be from all white stock but then you have the odd ball on the left! lol anyone have a clue as to what color he/she might be? I would have just thought it was a female but the dark bill threw me off! I'm still going to have then DNA sexed but I am really curious as to what color it will be.

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