Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Shellie. I hope at least a few of them keep some color. They're like garbage disposals, they eat all day long out there. I figure its just grass, weeds, and dandelions, so that's ok. They get 1 big bowl of starter/grower crumbles in the evening and they inhale that too.
They're so much fun! They've all bonded so well, I'm happy. A few evenings ago we went to get them to bring them back to their gosling shed for overnight heat and food,etc...All 4 were in Sadie's house with her, and they didn't want to come out and she was making it clear to us that she didn't want us taking them out either! So we left them in for some more time and went out after dark to check on them and they were all still in there with her. So each evening since, we do the same thing, go out, check, find all 4 in with Mama in her house, so we leave them. So far so good. (That's all inside a locked up pen with the top covered for night time security...) Then each morning, I open that pen door to let them out into the fenced in yard for the daytime grass eating.I'm relieved that they've become a tight-knit family. Whew!
I got my babies from Celtic Oak Farms! They are so much fun! They are super friendly and she seems to have trained them to not nibble on fingers! That is a plus!

These are not the best pics or backgrounds, but you will get to see them.

This is their after shipping bath time.

And here they are a while later exploring the living room. (I am ready for my close up!)

I love them already! They are Pish Posh, Sassafrass and Poppyseed!
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Marty I forgot to pull baby pictures today I am sorry. I will get them to you though.
We have 4 Sebastopols arriving tomorrow as well, 2 buff and 2 unknown possible splash
Also have 4 buff dewlap Toulouse arriving tomorrow.
5 more geese going out tomorrow morning around 8:30, done shipping out for the week then.

Please post pics of your new babies too Shellie! Thanks again for my darling babies! I can't wait to see how they turn out!
PS my kids call the wing bands wing rings, like an earring. LOL
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I still have to go pick up the second box of babies. Heading out in a second then pictures will come.

Daze glad you like them, call me, text me, or email if you ever need anything or just want to share a new picture.
Today our 1 month old white seb goslings decided they were big enough to use the big boy pool.

Mom says "hey wait a minute, I came to this bowl to have it to myself!" The babies kept getting in this bowl and she would get out like she couldn't stand to share it. Finally when they were all done with the kiddie pool, she got in there by herself and had a hay day! LOL
Quick question! How long does it usually take for sebastopols to hatch? I know it can take 28-35 days for geese in general but maybe with everybody elses experience I can kinda narrow it down a little bit with sebastopols. I had 6 eggs that I set on the 7th of April and now I am getting close to hatch date and I would like to narrow it down a little bit as I have my turkey sitting on the eggs (She is doing a wonderful job btw). Out of the 6 there are 4 still growing really well, I candled a couple days ago. These are shipped eggs by the way. Thanks in advance!
it sounds like today would be the end of day 26 and all 3 of mine hatched on day 29. I watched the air sac increase dramatically in those last 2 days too, so I didn't turn anymore, and the humidity was way up. (like 75-80%) I saw pips on day 28 and all 3 were out by 3 pm the next day.
Good Luck!
Daze- LOVE the pool pics, those are too cute!!

Celtic- I got a box that looked an awful lot like that this morning too!! Cute babies!

A big thank you to Peachick for my four, beautiful, colored sebbie babies. They are a bit camera shy still. I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!

great pics everyone. I love seeing all the different colors...and guessing what colors they'll be when they feather out.
Here are some pics from a few min is still wet here from the past few days of rain and today's forecast isn't looking any dryer.I'm thinking everyone except Scout may end up having some splotches of color, as I see some grey feathers or spots on feathers showing up now. I just don't know if those stay, or are they baby colors then go away after molting?

All 4 babies: Simon, Sasha, Sophie, Scout

Sophie (L) and Sasha (R) relaxing:

another one of Sophie closer up:

Scout (L) and Simon (R) :

The whole gang:

Thank you so much for posting these!!!! I really needed this today!!
I love being able to see him grow up!! Is he still a monster gosling? Or have your girls caught up?

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