Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

YES -- my original sebbie Henri came from Kim Clark's "Wally and Candy" Holderread birds. Here she is from May, 2011.

Kim C. in Florida has a lovely flock of birds. She was asking $100 / gosling earlier this season....

AMY, please post pics when they arrive!!! Have you heard from P.O. yet??

I shipped you 2 grey saddlebacks, neither of them are from Henri.

1 gosling is marked and should carry BUFF and the 2nd from a splash / grey saddleback pair -- very LOUD. I almost kept him! And 1 cute fat guy that has silvery down from the splash gander.
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Still looking for them. I am trying to find somebody to meet my kids at the bus stop because if they come in now, it could take 4 hours to get there and back. Gah!

Can't wait to see them! The FL geese sure are pretty.
Sunlea, hope you start feeling better soon! No fun being sick at all. Hope you can get with Kat, we just got 4 goslings from her last week (2 buffs and 2 thinking splash) they very lovely goslings, chatty and some of the first to greet us in their brooder.
Thanks! I guess i missed out on the buffs unless she had more hatch. Luckily she's only a 30 min drive from me!!!
They're Tennessee Walking Horses. Mom is the big tobiano, the daughter is behind her. I have SOOOO much to learn, but I have been caring for them for a couple months and they're still nice and fat so.....

I wish you would have got an Ollie baby- this appears to be my only one. The Claire (I think) babies look like they're going to be buff!
When I was younger I was a member of a walking horse group. If you have any questions about anything horse related let me know. I may not be an expert on geese but i am on horses. lol
Celtic- I have four of Kat's goslings and I feel like they are terrified of me! What am I doing wrong? I desperately want them to like me but they all do their warning woo woos when I come in and run to their hay "nest" in the corner of the brooder and hide their sweet little heads. I try sitting on the floor but they just sit there until I leave and if I pick one up and hold it in my lap the rest scream like I am an ax murderer! Let me know if there is something I should try, I would very much like to have social geese.
Sunlea, you should get ahold of her and see what the next round hatched out.

Josie, I don't work outside the house, so I am here all day with the babies. Each morning I go out to the brooder house and greet them with a high "morning babies" followed by goose goose goose goose. This bring all the babies to the fronts of their brooders talkin away. I don't hold goslings, but do get in their playpens in the yard and sit with them. They all climb over my legs and spend time on their terms being close. Then I get up and go about doing chores. Some days they get more attention than others, but we talk every day as they are moved to and from the brooders to the yards and while we do chores.
Celtic- Are your babies at floor level or elevated? I have chicks in the brooder above them and they all run to the front to see me but the baby geese make a bee line for the corner of the cage and hide.
Maybe I am smothering them with too much affection and it overwhelming? I haven't been putting the babies out yet during the day because I am gone past dark and don't want them outside alone in the dark even in a pen. I do pick them lots of fresh grass at least twice a day so they get greens which they love but don't come out for until I leave. Maybe I should take their hay "nest" out of the brooders so they don't have a place to run and "hide" from me? Sigh.

If anyone else has tips for befriending nervous goslings please feel free to chime in. I have two adult geese that tolerate me but that is about it. I would really love if they would at least come over for a treat now and then.

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