Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Their indoor area/coop is at the left. They get locked up every night and they seem to hate it so I'm guessing at their old home they weren't locked up at nighttime.

Their is also Master locks on every door now. Since we live by a cemetary theres a lot of people that go there to visit their deceased loved ones, well there's an alley way just behind our property that the the church owns and the alley goes to the highway then the church is just across the highway. Well we've had a bunch of cars that would just drive down the alley to get to the cemetary. Also a bunch of dumb people will think its a road.
One night I was up late because I couldn't sleep and sure enough there was a pair of headlights that I could see, I watched and thought they should have been through by now. Here comes a truck with a trailer and its driveing very slowly. I turned the outdoor security lights on and that person stepped on the gas and there's still huge ruts in the grass. I knew we had been losing some old hens but I thought they had died while I was gone and dad threw them on the burn pile. I found where they had been going!

I think what happened is when I told our family members that I had new birds they would go tell their friends and then they tell their friends and so on..
This happened Monday night, I think? I've still been in shock ever since.. I haven't told anyone because I was the only one that saw what had happened.
I just can't get my head wrapped around it that someone would do that.. Maybe I need to get a Guardian Dog?
People do awful things sometimes. We have puppies due this weekend from our Pyrenees Guardians.

My friend had 4 out of 5 geese stolen a week before Thanksgiving, right out of his fenced in yard, where he had a great pyr and a great dane. I had to give up raising turkeys for the same reason.
Rancher lovely dogs, we have a pair too. Wouldn't be without the Pyr ever again.

Steven, better safe than sorry. We have three fences to get past, gates on the driveway. Motion lights, the dogs, and locks.
Corancher - Colorado is just a little to far away!
But my aunt took a trip there with a couple of her friends over the summer and she said it was amazing! Would love to go there someday!

HappyMtn - That's aweful! They were most likely thanksgiving dinner for someones family..

Celtic - We have security cameras around the whole house but they don't have night vision on them so they are worthless at night.. I've been thinking about some motion sensers but my sister has cats and they are active at night than during the day so they would probably trip them off walking back and forth in from of them.
How much would a pair of Sebastopal goslings go for in spring?
..... Me and my mom are in LOVE with them.... Specially the lavenders and lilacs!!

Anyone have more pics they can show me?? I love the curly feathers SO much!!!... To die for!!
How much would a pair of Sebastopal goslings go for in spring?
..... Me and my mom are in LOVE with them.... Specially the lavenders and lilacs!!

Anyone have more pics they can show me?? I love the curly feathers SO much!!!... To die for!!
You two should come out and see ours. I had bad luck hatching this year so I actually had to buy goslings, but I will have lots more colored babies next spring if all goes well.

Genetics question- I have a gosling that appears blue or grey from a lavender x splash pair. Will that offspring be carrying lavender, or would I have do do a test mating to find out?
That would be fun, huh? I would love that!

Anyone mind if I join this forum, even though I only own Americans... No sebs? I love the pics!
No, that is her dad "Dave". The goose in that photo from a year or so back is Lola.

I have Lola paired up with Gary this year, will did. She is setting on some eggs I gave her yesterday.

Lola and Gary made Adonis last year.

Adonis as a hatchling the middle of June last year.

Here he is the first of September.

And right around the first of October only about four months old He sure is very nice. Very Beautiful!
There is a lady in pittsburg kansas that I purchased sebbie eggs from one of her eggs was the only one from three different people that has survived I am waiting for it to hatch, I can ask her if I can pass along her info

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