Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

I got a 50 lb bag of DE and every week or so I dust all the coops, straw bedding, all around the dogs, everywhere. You can dust the birds themselves too, but I can't say my geese have ever had the same kind of problems that the chickens can. I think because they bathe every day they they don't attract mites. (?)

I'm new to geese, but my ducks have never had a problem with mites/lice like chickens can. I have read that it is because they spend so much time in the water.
I am scared of that stuff... It is crushed... powdered slices and dices.. sounds fine when it comes to killing bugs.. but I don't want it in my lungs....That stuff doesn't go away.
You do have to be careful with DE. It's mostly made up of the glass-like (silica) cell wall of little plankton called diatoms and will definitely cause damage to lungs. I have some, but I don't really like to use it either for that reason.
Is there anybody on this list that has a white sebbie goose hatched this yr available and lives near me in NH?? Also would someone in the know please post where and how to send in feathers to identify gender of our birds?
I have a few young ganders for sale...and may part with a female. We are about a 3.5 hour drive from the Upper Valley (my hometown area). PM me.
I have a question about color....I have noticed some of the first molt feathers on my suppose to be all white sebbies are colored.... They have two pools of water to play in during the day which are cleaned regularly... soo I wouldn't think they were dirty...and if it were iron in the water wouldn't the underside of them be colored?? Could it be blood traces from breaking open the new quills? Or do I have Splash Sebbies?? I am at a lose here....

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