Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

I don't think in smaller quantities mixed in with other grains that these foods are that bad, but when you have the peas, the lentils and the barley all in one feed it may be very harsh to the system.

Jean where did you get info that these legumes and barley are hard for geese to digest?
I'd love to know what your resource is.

I guess I'm not getting regular notification on this thread as I missed all this talk about hay.
My geese will eat the leaves of alfalfa hay but waste the stems for the most part.
There seems to be much less waste with grass hay but its generally harder to find in Michigan where the major hay crop is alfalfa. My geese won't touch alflafa pellets or cubes either.

It would be really great if somebody would start a thread on geese nutrition for specific info such as this. And is it just me or can we please talk about Sebastopol topics outside of this thread as well, so information doesn't let lost in all the hundreds of pages? Just a suggestion.
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Pretty Sebbies

~ Aspen

I love the grey and the white!
The lavender is nice too.
Thank you for your compliments!

Do you see any flaws in the geese about there body, feathering, color or other things? Please give your honest opinion
More and more I'm learning people don't want honest, detailed opinions and after all opinions are subjective to whoever is giving it (beauty is in the eye of the beholder). Having said that I think you have a good start with the grey, lavender and the white Aside from the grey and white being smooth breasted they appear to be over all very nice birds, with good substance and good type. Just keep upgrading as much as you are able to with future breeding stock purchases. It's really hard to find good quality but do the best you can by breeding and culling and you will do well. Best wishes with the 2013 breeding season and don't forget to post your pics and question's on the Sebastopol forum too.
Vicky, your thoughts on geese and the way you share them is always appreciated (or should be) as you are pleasant, honest and polite about it. Those dont take it well, need to not ask in the first place. lol
More and more I'm learning people don't want honest, detailed opinions and after all opinions are subjective to whoever is giving it (beauty is in the eye of the beholder). Having said that I think you have a good start with the grey, lavender and the white Aside from the grey and white being smooth breasted they appear to be over all very nice birds, with good substance and good type. Just keep upgrading as much as you are able to with future breeding stock purchases. It's really hard to find good quality but do the best you can by breeding and culling and you will do well. Best wishes with the 2013 breeding season and don't forget to post your pics and question's on the Sebastopol forum too.
Thank you for your advice! I mihgt be stoping by my friends house and I will try to get some pictures of the birds she hatched out from the eggs she got from me and if you and celtic and others could tell me what you think that would be great.
Jean where did you get info that these legumes and barley are hard for geese to digest?
I'd love to know what your resource is.
I've read that somewhere, too. Probably in either Dave Holderread's Guide to Raising Ducks or his Raising Geese book, because those are my main sources of info.
I don't know about the beans themselves, but my geese and ducks can take down a whole wall of fresh pea vines in minutes and be perfectly happy about it.

Christine, your signature made me cry.
I've read that somewhere, too. Probably in either Dave Holderread's Guide to Raising Ducks or his Raising Geese book, because those are my main sources of info.
Thanks Christine. I've got a couple of DH books...will look into it. Not doubting what Jean said...I'd just like to learn more.
Does seem odd though that they'd have problems with peas, barley, etc. and a little disappointed because
I was going to look into pea protein for a feed protein source.

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