Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

^ Yep... I agree :)
Thank you Renie. Positive people make me happy.

Happy Mtn...sorry about the peas.
peas that are split have been processed, some even pre-cooked. I need to go digging but have info on feeding peas and legumes and believe it refers to them not being raw when offered to poultry. I will look it up again and share it.
Here are some pictures of some 2012 goslings from my lavender goose and grey gander. Only the colored ones are from my birds, Please be honest what do you all think of them? what color would you call the darker ones blue, grey, saddleback?

I like their heads too.

General question-
Is there something about the grey. blue and lav birds that keeps them from having blue eyes? Doesn't seem to be a problem with my saddlebacks, but the solid ones...
How many times do you have to cross to get the blue eyes back? My blue girl's mom had blue eyes, but she does not.
Why doesn't think happen in the saddlebacks? Because they were made with other blue-eyed breeds, maybe?
Jean where did you get info that these legumes and barley are hard for geese to digest?
I'd love to know what your resource is.

Just search antinutritional values lentils and peas or trypsin inhibitors. To my knowledge peas and lentils are not processed before they go into feed. They may be rolled and split so that poultry can eat it without choking.

I do have lentils in my feed, but not the combination of all three items.

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