Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Josie if you watch your girls often you can learn there unique stamp to egg laying. If all else fails, a little lipstick or food coloring can be useful.

welllllllll lipstick can be applied externally and food coloring can be just inside the vent. When an egg is laid the color is on the shell. Instant ID of which girl laid the egg based on the color used. So say you have pairs, 1 gets colored, one doesnt.

You can also use the finger width (externally) measurement between the pelvic bones to figure out your early layers. 3 or more you have a layer.
Hahahaha!! How long does food coloring last? I may have to try this. I am sure my girls are going to have a screaming fit over this procedure! Last year I only had one goose laying so it was easy but this year it is going to be harder with more ladies!
That is HILARIOUS!!!

Shellie...uh, I think I'll stick to close observation knowing what screaming drama queens my girls are.
Lord knows they'd FLIP OUT of I came after them with my tube of lipstick and tried to apply down there.
I imagine it is going to take some practice and I may have to recruit DH which I am sure will just thrill him!! I can't imagine the shrieking and dirty looks I will get for days after!
Unfortunately I can't be home all day to keep an eye on them to go out and see who is laying when so I may have to resort to such scandalous activities!!
My birds actually go into separate pens in pairs or trios. Generally when the girls lay, you can tell who is laying which egg.

I would be careful letting the birds field breed even if you think they have "paired" up. I've watched one of my older gals coaxing a different gander into the pool this spring.....
Hahahaha!! How long does food coloring last? I may have to try this. I am sure my girls are going to have a screaming fit over this procedure! Last year I only had one goose laying so it was easy but this year it is going to be harder with more ladies!
I imagine it is going to take some practice and I may have to recruit DH which I am sure will just thrill him!! I can't imagine the shrieking and dirty looks I will get for days after!
Unfortunately I can't be home all day to keep an eye on them to go out and see who is laying when so I may have to resort to such scandalous activities!!

Um, let me know how you make out with that.
My birds actually go into separate pens in pairs or trios. Generally when the girls lay, you can tell who is laying which egg.

I would be careful letting the birds field breed even if you think they have "paired" up. I've watched one of my older gals coaxing a different gander into the pool this spring.....

Oh yah...domestic geese are NOT monogamous, nor do the have to be "bonded" to breed.
Um, let me know how you make out with that.
Will do! I may end up wearing more food coloring than anyone!! We shall see....
Oh yah...domestic geese are NOT monogamous, nor do the have to be "bonded" to breed.
Right, of course. I have four pens planned for this winter to separate them out into pairs and trios. I am a bit concerned about separating some of the birds who are quite attached to each other during breeding season. I hope they like their new room mates.
Shellie boy have you worked out a different system of knowing who's eggs are who's!!!!!! I can jus see you chasing your girls to do a makeover down there for them!!!
I know I am not going to try and do make overs on our girls!

What about food coloring in their own water container would that not be easier? Might just turn their feathering new colors too????
Vicky she has bonded with Sammie for the past year. Sammie is our only white gander he is Sasafrass father.
Vicky since Ginger could not have come from Samantha and Grant they other thought is one of your girls I had at the time bred with Spicie and Ginger was the results. I had 2 splash ganders and two saddleback girls. I kept Ginger.
All the girls like this big dog kennel I have put in the big pen. So all the ladies deposited their eggs in one nst a few year baclk. I have two now and another nest in the middle and all seperated with removable walls to lock the girls in their nest at night.

Hanna the other SB female I have from DH she also is in the same pen as Ginger but she is paired up with Nikki (lavender) gander. We will be dividing their pen down the middle so each have their own dog kennel.
Zack I am putting some pictures of saddlebacks for you to see what they look like. Hope this helps Zack.

Thank you RURU they are beautiful! I was not sure what hers would be called cause they have different colored backs than breast so I was not too sure. Thank you everyone.

Here are some pictures from today, Please ignore the monkeys and cages in the background.

#1 This is my favirote of the two grey/blues, she has a nice round head and a short thick neck. Isnt that what is desired in sebastopols?

The other colored goose #2

My favorite one is on the left

This is the lavender gander, the picture does not shpw his color at all but it is a good picture of his head and neck

Very lovely sebastopols you have.... I was wondering why you had monkeys in the backround until I read you worked there.

When I was a kid at home my brother wanted monkeys real ones he threw the stuffed one mom got him at her and said I want real monkeys.
So he ordered a squirl mkey through the mail and it was sent through the male. When it came to our house by the postman my brother proceeded to open the box. Well, out came a super scared to death squirl monkey got down ran to mom climbed up her leg biting it all the way up. What a wild day that was!
My brother use to tie him up out on the trees and rose bush. Well monkey hung himself one day. Poor baby.

But my mother continued to purchase monkeys. She bought a not sure how to spell this cappuchan and it was so sweet. But got out one day and hit the apple tray full of apples and he took and ate a bite out of each apple and went crazy in the house. He got sick and passed. Mom went and got another but he was mean so back he went.
Mom also went and purchased a wooly monkey, he got sick so back he went. She brand home cotton top mormizets, think I spelled that wron too. They also died. So mom reported the place that was selling the monkeys and other exotic animals and they were put out of business. All their animals were either sick or full of worms..
What a wild child life I had...
You've got some lovely birds there and I love the soft colouration of your Lavander. The heads are nice and it is desireable to have the neat rounded heads and an upright 'stovepipe'neck. Really lovely

I thought the post was joking until I saw the back of a Colobus Monkey in the background

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