Sebastopol question


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 17, 2013
I just purchased 3 grown sebbies, one male/two female, from a lady that couldn't keep them any longer. She sells chicken eggs and they were killing her chickens. She didn't have a setup to separate them. I also have chickens, but they have their own yard, and the Sebbies have the main yard. We also think that about a month ago one of our month-old sebbies killed one of our cochin babies. We found it with a broken neck. Anyone else have issues with geese and chickens? They are completely separated at my house so we won't be having any issues, but I'm curious about that.
Also, I think the lady was very unhappy with them after the chicken killing started and they are no longer approachable. She said they used to be and they would eat of their hands. What's a good way to get them to come to us? I know it will take time. I go out there every day and talk to them and get as close as they will let me, about 10 feet away. When we have to put them in their house at night we end up having to catch them. So I'll hold them for a minute, if they're not struggling and freaked out, of course, and pet them and talk sweet hoping to get some trust from them. We are very hands on with our animals. Any little tips and tricks would be great.
I'm sure some would disagree, but geese REALLY are not meant to be held and cuddled. Mine will come up and eat out of a bucket I hold, and some will eat out of my hands. Most of them will go crazy for treats, and I get bitten as they snatch them, so past a certain age, treats (lettuce, tomatoe, carrots, etc.) go on the ground.

Spend quite time around them stooped down talking to them and offering treats. They'll come around.
Thanks for the info. I appreciate very much your time and I will continue with what I'm doing and hopefully they come around.

And we're not cuddling them, just so you know. I must have given the wrong impression. They have to be caught to go in their pen because they won't go in on their own and we have predators in our area. When we try to train them to go in there, they bolt between us and go the other way. I was just saying so they know I'm not going to hurt them, I'll pet them for a on their way to the pen. But I'm not squeezing or wrapping my body around them in any way. I don't want to mislead anyone. I know how outspoken people on here can get about something they don't agree with. So please no comments on "cuddling" geese, because we are not. And if they are unhappy about the contact, it's only long enough to get them in their pen. I don't hold them any longer than that. I appreciate this site very much, no offense to anyone.
Thanks for the info. I appreciate very much your time and I will continue with what I'm doing and hopefully they come around.

And we're not cuddling them, just so you know. I must have given the wrong impression. They have to be caught to go in their pen because they won't go in on their own and we have predators in our area. When we try to train them to go in there, they bolt between us and go the other way. I was just saying so they know I'm not going to hurt them, I'll pet them for a on their way to the pen. But I'm not squeezing or wrapping my body around them in any way. I don't want to mislead anyone. I know how outspoken people on here can get about something they don't agree with. So please no comments on "cuddling" geese, because we are not. And if they are unhappy about the contact, it's only long enough to get them in their pen. I don't hold them any longer than that. I appreciate this site very much, no offense to anyone.
Your not being offensive at all, it's just some folks want to make lap pets out of animals that weren't meant to be. I have had to catch my geese at times too and enjoy a quick pet and kiss on the head for a split second. Have you tried herding? mine herd very easily. Might take 2 of you till they understand what you want but they are pretty smart and catch on fast.
Yep, we've tried herding, that's when they bolt between us. Stinkers are fast! And we're hoping they'll catch on soon so we don't have to keep catching them against their will. :O) Thank you so much.
Yep, we've tried herding, that's when they bolt between us. Stinkers are fast! And we're hoping they'll catch on soon so we don't have to keep catching them against their will. :O) Thank you so much.
Just remember herding has to be slow, or bribing finding something they love, mine just found out they love watermelon. and putting it close to their house close to bed time may help getting them in better.
I found that using a long staff held out to extend my arm length when herding by myself or with hubby helps alot. I use a lunge whip that i have for training horses its about 7 ft long, i do not hit them with it, i just walk slowly behind them holding it straight out beside me with the end of it a few inches off the ground. The length helps to keep them from bolting around me. Doesnt have to be a whip, a long stick or cane would work too. It doesnt take long to teach them even my 4 wk old goslings herd.
I heard all my ducks/geese and chickens quit easily by just walking it took 5 days or so to teach them but every night when I go outside they all will start heading to the pen when they see me.

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