sebright thread

Its just a term that I use to refer to them as they have a 'polled' skull shape as is found in polands creating the afro effect.
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Is that a/your made-up phrase for a Polish Tophat or "Hippy Head" chicken? Heck, I have them. I've been trying to cross a white Amie hen with my white Polish roo in order to get a poofy head with a beard. I have 3-5 week olds, now, and they're hilarious.
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About that "black bleeding" on the chicks; I was told that the goldens are more prone to bleeding black into their feathers, as yours are showing. It may or may not go away. Silvers tend to bleach the black lacing. Also, the Roos may not be henny-feathered in their first year, and may actually have sex feathers until the estrogen-vs-testosterone competition causes them to henny-feather. I also read that in a genetics study concerning the Sebright. It seems that Auracaunas and Sebrights are quite commonly studied by geneticists, as they have such unusual genetic traits. I am still searching to find that study.

As for the egg hatching of the golden/silver cross; I haven't had ANY of them hatch, yet. I slipped 3 into the nest with my Barred Dome Gamey, yesterday. Gamey has an exemplary record, so I have high hopes. All 3 of my adult 'Brights are very young. The silver started laying about 2 months go, and the golden about 1 month, and the Roo is the only "older" one. He's 1 year-old, this month...maybe they were just too young? We'll see. I have much more confidence in Gamey's abilities, than mine or anyone else's.
What do you mean by "estrogen-vs-testosterone competition"? There is really no competition. The testosterone their testes produce is converted to estrogen in their skin, which then produces the henny feathering.
Is that a/your made-up phrase for a Polish Tophat or "Hippy Head" chicken? Heck, I have them. I've been trying to cross a white Amie hen with my white Polish roo in order to get a poofy head with a beard. I have 3-5 week olds, now, and they're hilarious.

Yep, pretty much. Had to call them something :D

I got my first Sebrights last week at livestock auction. I have no way of knowing their ages, but they both (m/f) appear very energetic and vibrant. They are both extremely shy still, but neither appears aggressive, I hope this remains, at least the aggression part.
I have a golden sebright that I got from a feed store. It was around two weeks when I got it I believe and now its around twelve. I think its a pullet but would like confirmation. She is really tiny compared to the silkie cockerel I have in with her. She it probably the smallest bird I have ever had. Out of six chicks from the feedstore I she is the only female.

I have a golden sebright that I got from a feed store. It was around two weeks when I got it I believe and now its around twelve. I think its a pullet but would like confirmation. She is really tiny compared to the silkie cockerel I have in with her. She it probably the smallest bird I have ever had. Out of six chicks from the feedstore I she is the only female.

Looks like a pullet.
Here is my second round of Sebrights. Actually its only 1..the other started crowing a couple days ago. Im already suspicious of this one.... Approx 7-8 wks old. This is my 3rd attempt at a girl!


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