sebright thread

I have just one Sebright, a Bantie hen. My other chickens are an Orpington rooster, two half white leghorn girls, and a Barred Rock girl.

The rooster is protective of the Sebright girl, but the hens all peck at her. She squawks loudly and runs for them, seeking protection at the rooster's side, where she can eat in peace and not get pecked at.

Why do you think the big girls peck at her? She's not a mean Bantie, though she is fast and can fly and perch higher and on narrower ledges than they can. Do you think they are jealous of her?

The rooster never tries to mate at her. He seems to understand the predicament of her size.

Do you think the big girls peck at her solely because she is littler? And why do you think the rooster nurtures her like he does? He has nothing to gain from her. It's as if he loves her and treats her like a little sister, which she is. She hatched on the same day he did.
Weeell...a friend ordered from Cackle, and he got some Silver, I said to add 5 for me, as well. I also ordered 5 of their Phoenix Bantams just because they don't have Golden Sebrights, and I think the Phoenix are pretty. They look like the birds I remember from the fights in the Phillipines. I remember thinking, "How can they kill such pretty birds?" when I was about 6 or 7. These lil Banties won't have to worry about being tossed into a pit. Looks like middle of March, I should have 5 Sebrights to start off with. I hope they are decent birds, as I have heard so much about poor quality from hatcheries. Oh well, it's only $15 for the 5 'Brights. They're bound to be what I like...CHICKENS! haha!
I have just one Sebright, a Bantie hen. My other chickens are an Orpington rooster, two half white leghorn girls, and a Barred Rock girl.

The rooster is protective of the Sebright girl, but the hens all peck at her. She squawks loudly and runs for them, seeking protection at the rooster's side, where she can eat in peace and not get pecked at.

Why do you think the big girls peck at her? She's not a mean Bantie, though she is fast and can fly and perch higher and on narrower ledges than they can. Do you think they are jealous of her?

The rooster never tries to mate at her. He seems to understand the predicament of her size.

Do you think the big girls peck at her solely because she is littler? And why do you think the rooster nurtures her like he does? He has nothing to gain from her. It's as if he loves her and treats her like a little sister, which she is. She hatched on the same day he did.
Is it possible she stays with him because she's recognized him all her life? I'm assuming the other hens didn't hatch with them though. If they all hatched then I'd say they're just being discriminatory like chickens tend to be. For whatever reason they just don't like her. Maybe separate the instigators for a bit and see if they calm down?
I've noticed that my Roos tend to have a favorite Hen, and she a fave Roo, but it also changes, over time. For awhile, Big Red was Cog's fave Hen, then he always seemed to follow Snowflake, or she followed him. Now, it seems to be that he always has the Red Sexlinks surrounding him. My other Roos have their lil harems, but they tend to stay with the same girls. I assume this is all bvecause Cog is the "Old Man Roo" and true cock'o'the walk. The other Roos are all at about the 1 -1.5 year-old mark, and have just learned what's goin' on, so to speak. The fave Hen will roost right beside thew Fave Roo, also. Perhaps that lil 'Bright is his fave? I do know that a very large Roo can breed a small Hen. I have not seen a small Roo breed a larger hen, tho. My lil Bantam guys, one who is the size of a Mocking Bird, do the flirty dance, but I have never seen them actually try to climb up on the large Hens. A funny point: LG (Lil Guy) is one of my fave Roos. He always gets so flirty when a bearded EE Hen comes near his lil tractor. He seems to love those big girls with beards. he ingores the Sexlinks, and other large Hens who walk over. He only flirt dances with the bearded girls. haha

I would like to point out that he is Mockingbird-sized, and my bearded EE/Ameracauna Hens are about 10 times his size. His back is about level with their stomachs. He has just started breeding and crowing about 2 months ago, and is a true "Good" gentleman Roo. I can't wait until the rest of the young Roos figure out how to be better Roos. They're working on the good aspects, but are still at the gang rape stage when it comes to actual breeding.
I got 4 Sebrights from a local feed store yesterday after weeks of looking, 2 Silver and 2 Golden, and I couldn't be more excited! They're adorable, still figuring out how to use their legs, constantly wavering between exhausted and just FULL of uncoordinated energy. I had Sebrights as a child and thought they were fantastic! Here's a quick pic of Lux (Silver Sebright) and Kayle (Golden Sebright) sitting in the dog bed in the sunshine (they posed for a few pictures, then went back in their little brooder).​

My Sebright Roo Grampa (yes its grampa not grandpa) who i had to pluck a lot of neck feathers from because of mite eggs, leans back on his tail a lot. Why would this be?
i have always wanted this breed!!! i got one in an assortment from ideal.... altho i want a silver.... i got a golden.... does anyone sell silver hatching eggs in TX?
chickletteSarge: It seems Goldens are the ones in short supply from the hatcheries I've called. All I could order were Silvers. Oh well...and, uh...I was a CE for awhile, as well...but, RANGERS lead the way! hahaha! Sua Sponte! OO-rah, not Hooah. ;)

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