sebright thread

Actually, she looks a lot like my pair, but maybe we wouldn't win a show? I dunno, never attempted as I assume mine aren't that high quality. Congrats on the win! She sure is purty! ;)

Thank you! I acually quickly glanced at your Sebright album and your golds dont look to bad themselves:) The pic is a bit dark but fromwhat I could tell they arent bad....I actually PMed you also...
Hi, I have a question about Sebright behavior.

Do a high percentage of the hens/pullets crow? I know a few hens, of all breeds, sometimes crow, especially if there's a flock of only hens, but do they ever crow at 4 weeks? 8 weeks?

Also, is there a difference between the lacing on males and the lacing on females?
If the chicks are crowing at 4 or 8 weeks of age, I am sure they are cockerels. Hens only crow when they are mature. Your greatest indicator, other than crowing, will be the size and redness of the comb and wattles of the chicks.

As far as the lacing, there is no difference that I am aware of. The amount and thickness of lacing is genetic, and with the males being hen-feathered they should be the same as the hens. Lacing does appear differently if the males are not hen-feathered, so unless the chicks are not adequately hen-feathered, I would expect nothing unusual.
hello, I have 2 roosters 1 golden sebright and 1 silver sebright. Plus 1 golden sebright girl. Unfortunatly i was too late to enter them in the annual poultry show!!
One of my lil Silver roos started to crow at about 6 weeks, but it sounded more like a crow caw or a cough. He figured it all out, the day after he went to his new home at my chicken buddy's house. The next week, the other 2 started the same way. The pullets were always noticeably smaller and the cockerels started developing the wider combs, before that age, even. We were fairly certain of what we had by about 6 weeks old. In just a few days after the combs widened, I started seeing the "Leaders" developing at the rear of their combs. It was the easiest sexing that I have ever seen in chickens. I mean, it was soooo obvious, that I was surprised by it.

On the other hand, I also bought 5 (and received 6) SDW Phoenix Bantams, with that purchase (25 March hatch date) and have NOW decided that I have 4 surviving roos, out of 6 chicks. Just my luck as no one here has ever even heard of a Phoenix, let alone has a hen/pullet to sell. The lil cockerels started sprouting noticeable hackles, yesterday, tho I was already fairly certain, last week.

In my opinion, the 'Brights are easier to sex at 4-6 weeks than any other chicken that I know of, even tho the males are henny-feathered. Go figure?!
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Gosh... now I'm even more confused about this pair. They're not necessarily quality Sebrights (got them from TSC) but they're 10 weeks old and one of them is probably a pullet and the other looks the same (comb is small and gray, no wattles worth mentioning on both of them) but he has crowed on two occasions. (Never in response to my d'uccle crowing, though.)

I'll go make a thread on the appropriate forum and post pictures of them there. These little things are just trolling me now!

Edit: thread with pictures
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Gosh... now I'm even more confused about this pair. They're not necessarily quality Sebrights (got them from TSC) but they're 10 weeks old and one of them is probably a pullet and the other looks the same (comb is small and gray, no wattles worth mentioning on both of them) but he has crowed on two occasions. (Never in response to my d'uccle crowing, though.)

I'll go make a thread on the appropriate forum and post pictures of them there. These little things are just trolling me now!

Edit: thread with pictures
I watched the video... now I'm confused...

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