**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

I lost a poult and my little Lucky has curled toes. I am not even sure it can see. Do the band aid prosthesis work the same on duck feet?
I would think it would. Be sure and give the Poly-vi-Sol. Ducks need higher niacin (sound like an expert, huh? I'm just quoting what I've read multiple times). Anyway, my first two ducklings I hatched a few months ago, one had a funky leg and the vitamin made a HUGE difference. I didn't think it would be able to walk and you almost can't tell them apart now. I'd definitely use the sport's tape technique. It would be easier to get it's little ducky foot flat.
Sevin is much more toxic & is NOT recommended for use on animals. It's actually illegal to use it on animals according to the labeling.
I'll see what I can do. I just don't see us ever using it and I can always use more eggs!

As for Sevin, what I really meant was DE. I have no idea why I said Sevin.
Probably because that's the last thing I saw when I was looking for the Iver.
Just PM me if you want to swap. I have pekin eggs sitting here if you want some duckies.

I would, but I still haven't had any luck with duck eggs.

Second Annual Cinco De Mayo Turkey Hatch a long Digest 5-3-2013

SilkieSensation had 5 hatch today!
Others have wonky air cells but are being watched to be helped out as needed. Two of Three bators have eggs stacked in them now too!

Mlmddh posted a picture of a Hen from last year—Cooked up and Golden for dinner!

Wolftracks has Turkeys and Tutors set to hatch!

JD4570 hears peeping, so internal pips are happening. No external pips yet..

Heyheypaula had a temperature spike to 102!

Razadia updated us on the egg from Ducky and it is doing well under a Broody!
Hopefully it will hatch.
Later we learned that Razadia was scared of ivermectin.
After posts about it not being so bad, she read the label and wondered what scared her last year?

Chicken pickin will be a day late for lockdown—still cleaning out the hatcher from last time.

More crazy weather posts—even within the same State….karimw in Eastern IA has a frozen lawn
and fruit trees trying to blossom!

Wisher1000 has LF, Bantams and Ducks all hatching at the same time
…..Debs_flock says to give the slow duck poly vi sol infant drops without iron.

Loghousemom needs to heat a pool because of freezing and Is working on a shed.

Wildriverswolf90 posted a picture of a Turkey on its first time outside…

Gryeyes lockdown; chiques chicks locked down 14 Turkeys and 5 tutors; bonnylass79 has locked down lots of eggs too!; mrshaggie810 locked down eggs with 5 good ones and 2 questionable ones

Jandcclark5308 needed Turkey incubating advice.

Mahonri has New Heritages Dels coming from MO….They made it this morning and are doing great…Waiting on pictures….

Wolftracks hears peeping….

Wax Myrtle has three ducks out and more zipping!

Wisher has three tutors and two poults out.
The lone duck has hatched and will be named Lucky Duck! Later Lucky Ducky had curled toes!
Wisher is going to see if they can be fixes with tape!

Uphilljill posted a picture of a tutor hatching and needed advice for treating a Guinea attacked by a Dog….

Cmfarm has pips in the last two turkey eggs and the tutors are hatching well too!

Debs_flock had a bad turkey hatching experience last year and had to buy poults.
This year a bunch of Turkey hatching eggs were collected from the flock now there are 39 in the hatcher—5 have already hatched and a dozen or so are pipping and zipping…..Gonna have a lot of Turkeys….many more hatched in the afternoon too!

Tmnfarm has pipping and chirping in the bator!
Yinepu has eggs due next week.
Matricer has turkeys and babies hatching!
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I don't believe it, I don't believe it
A duckling hatched!!!

Okay, so the condensed version of this is that I had a duck go broody and start sitting 5 weeks ago last weekend. Muscovies take 5 weeks so I had it marked on my calendar when they were due. Unfortunately I only gave her 4 eggs and one of those disappeared about 2 weeks in. The third was a stink bomb after 3 weeks and I had to throw it away. The 4th was also a stinker and I threw it away last Sunday. I candled the last egg and figured it to be a quitter since the embryo didn't look big enough to be full-term. But since it didn't smell, I left it under her. Also under her are some turkey eggs that I asked her to incubate for me because my incubator was full.

So when the weekend passed with no sign of a duckling, I let her continue sitting on the turkey eggs and yesterday contacted Yinepu, who keeps both species to see what she thought about letting the duck actually hatch and raise the turkeys. She has never done this but couldn't see a reason not to, so we determined that I would watch closely to make sure things were going okay and be ready to pull them if needed.

Tonight I went down to collect eggs and as I was moving around her, spied a little yellow and black fuzz ball under the duck!!! It was so not on my radar that that last egg might still hatch since, let's face it, it is almost a week late. Actually, I'd kind of forgotten the duck egg was still under her, and was planning ahead for the turkeys.

Now I need to revamp my whole turkey plan and get those turkey eggs back out from under her, and into the incubator. I'm guessing she'll sit tight tonight, but by tomorrow she might start thinking about getting her duckling out of the nest and showing him around, so I need to be prepared to move fast. Hmmmm....maybe after dark while she's sleeping I'll grab the turkey eggs and that way I don't have to stress about her abandoning them before I get there in the morning.
See the above. Best way I know of, in my experience, to guarantee a cockerel is to declare "I'm keeping this chick no matter what!" :lau

:D. I had a little smooth feathered showgirl hatch for the Easter hatch, and I said the same thing. I think I even said I hope it is a boy. Sure enough!

On my hatcher failing.....I ended up with chicks. I had 4 shipped eggs from Jim and 3 of my eggs that looked fully formed it didn't hatch. Only one of them was pipped. I still ended up with at least 5 maybe 6 Wellies and a RIR from Jim's lovely eggs!!!! The reason I am not sure is because I had to put them all in the same hatching tray, and I had Aloha/Wellie chicks hatching for the Aloha project.

Yeah chicks!!!
Debs_flock had a bad turkey hatching experience last year and had to buy poults.
This year a bunch of Turkey hatching eggs were purchased now there are 39 in the hatcher—5 have already hatched and a dozen or so are pipping and zipping…..Gonna have a lot of Turkeys….many more hatched in the afternoon too!

Correction on your digest. No eggs were purchased, all these eggs were from the birds I raised last year. I was getting 7 eggs per day, but sold one hen. Still enough turkey eggs to blanket the state, LOL.

Currently at 10 hatched, 11 more pipped, one tutor hatched, two more tutors pipped....................................................and a call duck (from my own stock) hatched!!!!!

Hey, can anyone tell me the dosage on the Poly Vi Sol? In the bill or in the water? Will it help the chicks and poults? Hurt?

A drop, once or twice per day for 3-4 days usually does it for me. Don't place it directly in the beak/bill, you might make them aspirate. I place it along the side of their mouth and they will usually let it run in. Sometimes I'll put the drop on my finger and touch their beak to it or touch the drop on the dripper to their bill. After they have swallowed it, dip their beak in water to give them a water chaser and move it all down. You can usually see an improvement overnight.

I haven't seen/read any evidence of it hurting them as long as you don't choke them on it and you are not supposed to use the version with iron.
:weee I don't believe it, I don't believe it
A duckling hatched!!!
Okay, so the condensed version of this is that I had a duck go broody and start sitting 5 weeks ago last weekend. Muscovies take 5 weeks so I had it marked on my calendar when they were due. Unfortunately I only gave her 4 eggs and one of those disappeared about 2 weeks in. The third was a stink bomb after 3 weeks and I had to throw it away. The 4th was also a stinker and I threw it away last Sunday. I candled the last egg and figured it to be a quitter since the embryo didn't look big enough to be full-term. But since it didn't smell, I left it under her. Also under her are some turkey eggs that I asked her to incubate for me because my incubator was full. So when the weekend passed with no sign of a duckling, I let her continue sitting on the turkey eggs and yesterday contacted Yinepu, who keeps both species to see what she thought about letting the duck actually hatch and raise the turkeys. She has never done this but couldn't see a reason not to, so we determined that I would watch closely to make sure things were going okay and be ready to pull them if needed. Tonight I went down to collect eggs and as I was moving around her, spied a little yellow and black fuzz ball under the duck!!! It was so not on my radar that that last egg might still hatch since, let's face it, it is almost a week late. Actually, I'd kind of forgotten the duck egg was still under her, and was planning ahead for the turkeys. Now I need to revamp my whole turkey plan and get those turkey eggs back out from under her, and into the incubator. I'm guessing she'll sit tight tonight, but by tomorrow she might start thinking about getting her duckling out of the nest and showing him around, so I need to be prepared to move fast. Hmmmm....maybe after dark while she's sleeping I'll grab the turkey eggs and that way I don't have to stress about her abandoning them before I get there in the morning.
Yeah baby duckie!!!! Heather, have you candled the Bourbon Reds yet? I think 3 of the 4 eggs here have growth. I hope yours are doing as well.
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. I had a little smooth feathered showgirl hatch for the Easter hatch, and I said the same thing. I think I even said I hope it is a boy. Sure enough!

On my hatcher failing.....I ended up with chicks. I had 4 shipped eggs from Jim and 3 of my eggs that looked fully formed it didn't hatch. Only one of them was pipped. I still ended up with at least 5 maybe 6 Wellies and a RIR from Jim's lovely eggs!!!! The reason I am not sure is because I had to put them all in the same hatching tray, and I had Aloha/Wellie chicks hatching for the Aloha project.

Yeah chicks!!!
Wow - congrats on them hatching under those circumstances especially!
Yeah baby duckie!!!!

Heather, have you candled the Bourbon Reds yet? I think 3 of the 4 eggs here have growth. I hope yours are doing as well.
All 5 of them are developing. Gulp. And all of the ones I set from my hen are developing too. Gulp, gulp. So far I haven't tossed a single turkey egg....

I just pulled up all the eggs that were under the duck, and got to hold the little duckling for a second too. Oh, such cuteness!!! I am missing a turkey egg but I also never came across the eggshell abandoned by the duckling so apparently she's got them stashed somewhere in her feathers. Maybe in the light of day tomorrow I will find them. I've relocated the turkey eggs to my hatcher so we'll see what happens. I must admit, I'm a little nervous about raising them, as I know it can be hard to get turkeys started and I don't have any tutors for them.

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