**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!




You can see he hatched from the egg I accidentally cracked when I set them! He must have zipped out fast, the little chick came from the one silkie egg not pipped (that I could see) this AM! I can't wait until the others start! How long does it take them to fluff up?
Sharing a pic of new hatchlings while in town and have 4G!


To add to today's heartbreak I went out to check on the duck egg and all I found was a bloody shell. They ate it before it could even hatch.
That was the last egg I had from Ducky. When dad gets home I'm telling him that I'm selling the 5 game hens that aren't broody. They have to go. I searched under all the hens to see if they were hiding a duckling and didn't find one. I can't replace Ducky or the egg. Everything I've had has been going into getting stuff before I have SJ.

This has been a horrible day.

I am so sorry.
Thanks everyone. Dad just got back a bit ago and he agreed to let me sell them. I can rebuild the game flock easily. It may only be 4 of them going. It looks like I have a 4th broody. It shouldn't be too hard to get back up to 9 hens again with 5 hens and Regg.
Just went out to check on the broody, all 15 chicks were eating starter feed and mamma hen was helping them find the best pieces to eat. One of the chicks just loves climbing up on top of Mama. It's pretty warm in the feed shed where I have them (91 degrees outside right now), but it's in the shade so all is well. The eggs under the broody just have to make it to Monday night. I hope she doesn't give up on them, I'd love at least one Naked Neck.
Caught a pair of crows robbing the guinea's nest in the doghouse this afternoon. DH saw them fly away with an egg. When I went over to check, 7 (+ whatever was laid today) were missing. Moved the nest into the barn, but not sure how to deter crows. Nasty buggers.
I've been saving bantam Cochin eggs for the last week. I'm in good company, it seems.
lol! I'd be saving those too!
I actually just fell out of my chair! I was like how can you possibly tell its a boy
Okay fine I'm selling it, it must go, it cannot stay, I do not want it!!! There is it a girl now?
This has me

I have ducks and turkeys and babies all making an appearence
Yay! Congrats!
I have nine ducklings hatched so far! Have assisted one that was malpositioned - have been staring at the dime sized hole didn't change for eight hours and knew it was time to go in when I could see the upper mandible was top side up instead of down. Happy duckling now.


I just went down and candled, and I have a thousand wiggling shadows and not one pip!!

These little beasties know I'm high strung today...they're doing this on purpose.

In other news, my slate hen wandered off and joined the Turk-us. Little brat knew the carny was in town and had been crossing the road toward the far woods for a couple of days, even leaving her BFF Holly (Holland White) alone. Those two are stuck like rat traps, so that was a bit weird, and then, POOF!! She disappeared yesterday afternoon in the middle of our snow/sleet/rain/crap. Not a single feather to be found, and I LOOKED...while hunting morels, so you know it was serious scrutiny. This was voluntary.

The flock of about 25 wild turkeys has been tauntingly close for a couple of weeks, and today I had to shoo one of my pea hens back across the road and into our territory. That's unusual. Little hussy.

My tutors are housed in the cute brooder with a momma. She doesn't seem to realize she has ~200 chicks. Many of them are hidden under the big Sweeter Heater a lot of the time, and she's new at this anyway, so slightly bewildered to start. I'm hoping she'll be careful.
I always wondered if Turkeys would consider doing that...and I have the same thing...little shadows dancing, but no pips...my babies aren't do until Monday though, and with wonky temps we'll see if they aren't late even.

they are turkeys and were set on 4/10
Holy early hatching batman! my eggs were set on 4/7 (ducks) and I don't have any pipping yet!
Hopelessly behind again. The little teacup chick with wry neck died this morning. I tried giving her eggs & vitamin water for the last few days, but I just knew she wouldn't make it. Took pix of the Easter chickies so I can start posting on Craigslist, Was gonna split the hatch with my friend, but she's got broodies hatching eggs so there are just way too many at the moment. Also have 2 young OE cockerels who are just beautiful! Would love to keep them, but too many roosters. Either CL or just let them free range around here. The dogs are pretty good about leaving chooks alone, but there are many other predators here.
So so sorry. :( What kind of chicky is in your avatar? It looks a lot like one of my little "Aracauna's/Amerecauna's" that are from FF&H so really an EE...she looks like a hawk, so we call her "Hawky"...original...I know...the problem is she's also one of the supremes, so hopefully she sings good backup.
lol (I have three EE now, so they are Diana and the Supremes.)
Sharing a pic of new hatchlings while in town and have 4G!

Ooh! Squee! Cuteness! What kind are these?

So...I started to quote everyone who has eggies hatching, and realized, that would take all night, so congrats to everyone with successful hatches thus far. Mine are not looking so hot...not a rock, not a peep, no pips...there was movement when I candled right before lockdown, so we'll see.

So QUICK...I have a question...I have a broody
my first EVER...but she is being a BRAT and won't let me take the (definitely unfertile because we don't have any roosters) egg out from under her (which is not even hers I might add) even though I want to give her several duck eggs to sick on. :( I am a wuss. I fully admit this. I don't like chicken kisses, and every bird I was ever around growing up bit me. I have been surprisingly happy and comfortable around my current birds...until now...so...what should I do? I can kind of hold her head and grab the egg I want from under her, then place the duck eggs under her, but I wasn't sure if that might make her reject them...I tried slipping them in once she was asleep...haha...as soon as I walked in she was awake and giving me the evil eye. Option 2 is I can throw her off the nest, close the door, make the quick exchange, then let her back in and hope she doesn't attack me...but again....she might reject the eggs...and option 3: and the least desirable, is to wear my gloves and let her "kiss" the crap out of my hands and arms while I try to make the changes...so...what the crap should I do? I'm about fed up...if she isn't going to sit on eggs that will actually hatch, then I don't want her being broody. lol
So QUICK...I have a question...I have a broody
my first EVER...but she is being a BRAT and won't let me take the (definitely unfertile because we don't have any roosters) egg out from under her (which is not even hers I might add) even though I want to give her several duck eggs to sick on. :( I am a wuss. I fully admit this. I don't like chicken kisses, and every bird I was ever around growing up bit me. I have been surprisingly happy and comfortable around my current birds...until now...so...what should I do? I can kind of hold her head and grab the egg I want from under her, then place the duck eggs under her, but I wasn't sure if that might make her reject them...I tried slipping them in once she was asleep...haha...as soon as I walked in she was awake and giving me the evil eye. Option 2 is I can throw her off the nest, close the door, make the quick exchange, then let her back in and hope she doesn't attack me...but again....she might reject the eggs...and option 3: and the least desirable, is to wear my gloves and let her "kiss" the crap out of my hands and arms while I try to make the changes...so...what the crap should I do? I'm about fed up...if she isn't going to sit on eggs that will actually hatch, then I don't want her being broody. lol
I find they can't really do that much damage so I just take the pecks and get in and out as fast as possible. You probably won't need to put the new eggs all the way under her. Just lay them near her and as soon as you leave, she'll tuck them under her. I've done that numerous times and while they usually don't tuck them under while I'm watching, if I leave and come back only a few minutes later, the eggs will all be gone from sight.

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