**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

I need a new incubator as well. Some how I blew my 2nd hatch in it. It's a forced air genesis with a turner, and ran mostly a dry hatch because ambient humidity was all over the place. I pulled 6 non developers, sent 30 to lock down and hatched 15. Most of the rest of them had quit several days before. I do so much better incubation in the Reptipro and hatching in the Genesis. Ot maybe it's time to get serious and get a real cabinet bator.
I need a new incubator as well. Some how I blew my 2nd hatch in it. It's a forced air genesis with a turner, and ran mostly a dry hatch because ambient humidity was all over the place. I pulled 6 non developers, sent 30 to lock down and hatched 15. Most of the rest of them had quit several days before. I do so much better incubation in the Reptipro and hatching in the Genesis. Ot maybe it's time to get serious and get a real cabinet bator.
Have you talked youself into a babinet bator???? lol YOu will be in real trouble if you cannot control the urge to fill it up!!

Oddly Ihave been having more trouble this year hatching than in past years, and I'm using the same incubator and hatcher!! I have a stunning number quitting in the last few days. Nothing like 15 shipped eggs ( good blue and lav ameraucana) dying at lockdown.
Hello my turkeys are doing great. I also had a great weekend at the swap. I pretty much sold everything i brought even 10 roosters, the only thing iwent home with was my day old d'Uccle's and 2 turkeys. Yay for me.

More turkeys???  You are bitten by the turkey bug.  What breed were the 2  or were they pretty mixes?

Midget whites. I actually knocked the price down for the gal, because she was using them for 4 h and that is what I really wanted them to go for. I love the turkeys, they are sweet and funny and mostly self sufficent. A little bit of feed and they mostly eat grass, bugs and berries.
I am however really excited to be getting the sweetgrass, I think they are beautiful and have wanted them for a long time. Porter was always sold out or too backed up on orders. Thank you again Arielle
I am however really excited to be getting the sweetgrass, I think they are beautiful and have wanted them for a long time. Porter was always sold out or too backed up on orders. Thank you again Arielle
Arielle, I think one of my poults is a sweetgrass, the other looks to be white. I knew they might be mixed eggs but I thought you had B Reds and Sweet Grass? Do you have whites too?
I am however really excited to be getting the sweetgrass, I think they are beautiful and have wanted them for a long time. Porter was always sold out or too backed up on orders. Thank you again Arielle
I'm hoping they had an easy journey thru the posatal system and you have a good hatch!!

I got these as substitutes for a Porter order. I gave him a list of substitutes of course.
Arielle, I think one of my poults is a sweetgrass, the other looks to be white. I knew they might be mixed eggs but I thought you had B Reds and Sweet Grass? Do you have whites too?
Sometimes there can be all white poults if I am understanding KEvin POrters information right. He developed this line of Sweetgrass and I think some of the stock came from the calico line he had. Not sure though-- when I asked and showed him pics, he said these are sweet grass. My young SG are feathering all white right now--color comes in later.I would love to see what colors yours feather in as. pics?
Quote: Yep, definitely. I have so many eggs stuffed in my bators right now it isn't even funny! I even took 32 pekin eggs to the swap & sold them to an Amish boy for $15 just to get rid of them. My banty eggs are going in the fridge for breakfast to avoid my bators. I may even have to find a home for some call eggs no one has claimed yet. (They are for sale if anyone needs any!!!) My 50+ quail eggs are headed to PA on Wed & I just got 14 more quail at the swap. I now have a pen of JUST Texas A&M & a pen of JUST Jumbo Pharoah. The other 3 pens are mixed regular cots. OH, and my Tennessee Reds laid their 1st egg this morning!!!! Good thing I have orders waiting on runners, slates & toulouse or I'd really be drowning in eggs. I already have another 13 pekin sitting here from the weekend after I left for the swap. Poor JJ got stuck at home all weekend with my son & all of the animals. He thinks he had it rough.
I had to sleep in the car 2 nights in a row, deal with a crabby 9 yr old who hadn't slept either, & load & unload all of the birds myself. I came home with a few of the birds I took, but not bad, plus 14 quail, 2 scovy hens, a runner hen, a trio of "showgirls in progress" & 2 sebbie goslings (really hope Sherry's sexing method works & I got a pair
, picked the darkest & the lightest). We WILL NOT tell JJ how much I REALLY spent on those sebbies!!!

Quote: I talked myself into a cabinet bator LONG ago...now just need to find 1 in my price range.

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