Second Hatch, this time I will actually TRY to do things right.

no they haven't rolled at all, I watch for that because I think that would be so cool to see. I put shelf liner type stuff under them.
8 Chick when I woke up this morning at 5AM I can't even tell from which eggs because they are so cramped in there. Husband called me at lunch to say there was ten then...and he couldn't tell if there was pips or any other action once again because of cramping.
Well there are four eggs that didn't hatch 3 of which I expected from around day 10.

Egg 13 in the Eco didn't hatch
Eggs 6,8,11 in the advanced didn't hatch.

I got ten babies total out of 14 shipped eggs.
5 CCL & 5 Rhodebar. 5 Girls and 5 Boys I think, although it might be 6 Girls and 4 Boys.

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