seeds vs starts....

We're having lovely weather, but we're also stuck in a bad drought here in California! So, I don't know if I'd rather be miserable in the cold and rain or comfortable but dry as the Sahara.
I could stand a little less snow rain for some warmth...I keep thinking I should start my seeds for colder crops then I look outside at the drifts of snow and think not yet.
I have already ordered some things some gurneys I know they are. More but they replace trees bushes etc as long as you own the property or give you credits with drought here in 12 and 13 along with terrible heat waves they replaced stuff a couple times no questions asked. I ordered native plum trees, a peach tree and some seeds I love there purple pole beans I pkg lasted 3 years as if you miss some and they manage to dry the reseed themselves. They are slightly flat byt very good even raw.
Seeds you have more variety selection and control against weeds or pests. I've purchased starter plants often find out issues with weeds, pests and later disease. The real issue the starting soil or cross contamination with other plants.
Some places actually use a growth inhibitor on plants so they don't outgrow their containers ..I rarely buy plants.. trees. And seeds. I do buy from a local. Vegatable farm if mine. Are looking sad and one yr I bought a few from the high schools ffa. Kids that they had started. And grown in cups to raise money. . But. I grow tomatoes and ummm yellow tomatoes , grape. Tomatoes and cherry tomatoes I had over 30 plants last yr .. we. Ate them all I canned a few.. and. 20 pepper plants about 10 15 ft rows of radishs. , summer squash 20 brocp. Plants. 10 cabbagen beans ,peas, and some other stuff . My husbands is on here all the time (someone eats 4 to 5 tomatoes a day in my house and anything else. I have a family of 7 so a garden is a must. And a big garden .
We spent more on snow plowing in the month of December than we do in some entire winters. Not to mention the extra wood pellets due to the arctic blasts.
Sorry it is your turn for the snow-- last winter we were so snow covered the snow blower didn't get back into the shed until April. Hoping to use it Wednesday!! ( I use the snowblower for the 1200 foot drive, and I can get too all the coops too!)

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