Seems like it took FOREVER!!

My girls are still squatting up a storm, which is so funny to watch. They have been checking out the nesting boxes alot! By the looks of some of them they are agitated and uneasy. Hoping the eggs will come soon. I added more shavings to their nesting boxes this morning and a few were sitting for a little bit then got up. The one in the pic below is really checking them out going box to box.

My girls are still squatting up a storm, which is so funny to watch. They have been checking out the nesting boxes alot! By the looks of some of them they are agitated and uneasy. Hoping the eggs will come soon. I added more shavings to their nesting boxes this morning and a few were sitting for a little bit then got up. The one in the pic below is really checking them out going box to box.

Very pretty girl! And that's about the size of the comb and wattles on my larger ones, including the one that I think is laying.
I think just about anything of similar shape and size would work:) i have a boughten egg in each box but only because tsc had a pack if 2 on clearance for like $1.50. I cant buy golf balls that cheap.

I think I have a broody rir this morning so I'll be researching how to convince her otherwise.
Got my 3rd egg on the 3rd day. Yay to whichever girl is doing it!

I have a few with wattles have gotten really large and much more red in just the past week or so. So I expect it is one of them that is giving me the eggs. I have also noticed just in the past few days, that if I go to pet several of them, they will squat now, in the "take me" mode.... I noticed it first when my turkey walked up behind one of them! But my turkey is female, so I don't think that was her intention!!

I have to go buy feed this evening. I'm wondering if I should buy some fake eggs? She has laid all 3 days in the coop, not in the nest box, but I can see that the nest box has been visited, because the shavings are disturbed. I stopped at the dollar store yesterday and bought 2 eggs of silly putty! Took the putty out and replaced with some dirt and a rock, to make it heavier. Then I mixed some craft paint to match the color of the eggs I am getting, and I painted the plastic eggs! They were still damp this morning, so I didn't put them in the nest box. Do you think that will work, or should I just buy some? I mean, if golf balls work, I don't see why my painted ones wouldn't, unless they scratch the paint off. (green and orange were the only colors I could buy!)
My first egg was in the run. The second was in the coop. Then I put one golf ball in each nest box. Since then, every egg has been in one of the nest boxes. Usually all in the same one though. Occasionally I will get one egg out of a different box. My golf balls are white. My hens lay brown eggs, so I doubt color is that big of a deal.
Thanks. I forgot the fake eggs this evening, so I put my silly putty egg out there. We'll see where she lays tomorrow.

Hubby was working from home this morning and said around 9:00 a.m. he heard the loudest squawking going on for about 10-15 minutes. I told him he never had a baby, so he doesn't understand... Lol!

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