Self-Sufficient Homemade Recipes

I bought a used salad shooter to grate mine, works great.

salad shooooterrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Yup it has a cheese grater attachment and it works well the soap is very soft. I only use this on for that purpose.
Wow Different stores Really have items in different places! We were at our local Giant Eagle & they had the $1.49 FelsNaptha right in the Body Wash Isle..? I'd think it'd be in the laundry detergent isle.
I mean it even says it's a laundry pretreating product. It smells WONDERFUL Tho,
Just having a bar sit in the original paper wrapping on my bathroom counter is better than any air freshener. I'd buy it for a room freshener any day.
Makes me want a bar for each room.
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Ok, i found it!
It's at Meijer in the laundry aisle, and with our new remodel, hand soap is next to that, with fels-naptha on the top shelf between them and the borax at the other end. WOW...all of it together in one store. What a novel idea
Did first load of hubby's clothes (greasy, dirty, grubby work clothes). We shall see how it does. I do also like the scent!
salad shooooterrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Yup it has a cheese grater attachment and it works well the soap is very soft. I only use this on for that purpose.

do you sing the jingle from the commercial when you use it? it makes it way more fun!
I just had a quick question regarding the homemade laundry detergent.....Do those of you who have been using it for awhile have any problems with your clothes wearing out quicker with the homemade detergent?? We seem to wear holes in our jeans pretty quickly (well my 11 and 13 yr. olds do) but the fabric also seems to wear quickly, just thought the homemade stuff might be a little gentler on the fabric. Want to try the recipe, sounds great, but just thought I'd ask.
I have not been using the homemade detergent but a few months. I have noticed one thing. My dark colors seem to fade out more. I do not use any bleach in my wash. Color safe or regular so I am thinking it might be a tad bit harsh.
Due to that I only use a very small amount with my good clothes. I use the dry mixture, of borax, washing soda and fals naptha. I do not know about the liquid detergent mix. It might be better in that department.
I haven't noticed any abnormal wear or fading from using the liquid. Have noticed some dinginess in my whites, but I'm not sure if its the detergent or my well water. Its just been happening since we moved here, but that's when I also started using the, who knows? I use bleach but it doesn't seem to help. Also the dinginess won't wash out with use of regular detergent, so I am thinking its just the water. Tends to have silt or clay deposits and a small amt. of iron in it.

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