Sell Me On A Duck Breed

Ive had two runners before and both have sadly passed recently. But they're hands down my favorite breed. They were awesome foragers eating all the ticks, mosquitos, flys, caterpillars and all sorts of other bugs. In the time I had them I could walk outside and spend all day out there only getting about 5 bug bites. They would constantly play with each other almost like games of tag. One would come and gently nip the others tail and run off and then the other would chase after her doing the same thing and they would go back and forth like that for awhile. One of my runners would bolt over to me as fast as she possibly could whenever I went to the garden because she new I would give her all the pests I found on my plants. She would get so excited shed slap her feet on the ground just like thumper from Bambi! My other runner was the most sassy little bird I've ever had. Whenever id go out to put them away at night i'd yell "come on ladies its time for bed!" Only to have her stop whatever she was doing turn around and proceed to quack at me the whole time. It was like she was saying "Im not ready for bed! Its not even dark yet! Dad! can I please stay up for a little longer?" Those two were awesome ducks and they'll always have a special place in my heart.
You make me want to give them a try, but I assume I would need two of them instead of just one. I mean, since they are so much taller than the others. :idunno
Oh dear @Mimi13 I’ll have to go back later and read all the suggestions thus far, but for now I’m just saying I don’t think you can choose wrong with any duck!

I do absolutely love my Call ducks, but with your situation, they may not be the best, being so small. I’ve lost my share to hawks. Saved one from a major hawk attack. Some just disappeared without a trace. I just love them so much, I take my losses as they come. (Mean ole bitty, aren’t I?) lol

Heavy ducks will ruin a grassy area in no time. Ducks like to dig. I say they are ordering Chinese takeout. They can moonscape a small area in no time! Calls aren’t so abusive, but will dig small holes if they find a puddle spot when it rains. And lordy, Calls are so dang cute!

But I will think on this more and be back...
Too funny and sweet at the same time. Is Blanca Duck one of the White layers you mentioned before?
Yes she is the boss of the White Layer Panzer troup - Where those four want through, they go through… Funniest duck i've ever had, sometimes i think even the other ducks laugh about her, like in »I'm sure i've seen a mouse down there!«:
Yes she is the boss of the White Layer Panzer troup - Where those four want through, they go through… Funniest duck i've ever had, sometimes i think even the other ducks laugh about her, like in »I'm sure i've seen a mouse down there!«:
Did you post this cute pic on @casportpony Show off your butts thread? It is a cute one!
You make me want to give them a try, but I assume I would need two of them instead of just one. I mean, since they are so much taller than the others. :idunno
If you get just one. Which you can do.. just make sure you have him stand in the rear row for family pictures....

Also get a profile picture for the FBI to hand out to the post offices when he does his tetrodotoxin dux thing.

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