Sell Me On A Duck Breed

I they're for pets I would absolutely go for runners. They are the most energetic, fun loving, and personality filled birds that I have ever had. They are the sweetest, sassiest and most fun to watch of any of the duck breeds I have owned. Runners are absolutely phenomenal.
You had them how long?
My best pet ducks are my Muscovy ducks. They are very tame, easy to feed, never have leg problems, and usually live a long time. They lay a decent amount of eggs and are good broodies.

My runners and runner crosses are wild, they want nothing to do with me. Same with my call ducks, and all other quacking ducks,

When I go out to feed, it's always that Muscovies that I am tripping over, never the quackers.
Oh good gravy, I know what you’re talking about on the tripping part. My biggest chicken yard fear is tripping over a bird and either breaking a leg or worse yet, hitting my head making me unconscious so all my little vultures could feast on my body, starting with my eyeballs. 😬 Oh the horrors!

Just a question on a personal level about Muscovies: how do you get past the excessive red skin on the heads and face? Is it not as bad as the pictures seem, or is it something that is really endearing? Just wondering.
Oh good gravy, I know what you’re talking about on the tripping part. My biggest chicken yard fear is tripping over a bird and either breaking a leg or worse yet, hitting my head making me unconscious so all my little vultures could feast on my body, starting with my eyeballs. 😬 Oh the horrors!
:lau you're funny!
Just a question on a personal level about Muscovies: how do you get past the excessive red skin on the heads and face? Is it not as bad as the pictures seem, or is it something that is really endearing? Just wondering.
I guess you either like it or you don't most of mine aren't too bad.
Oh good gravy, I know what you’re talking about on the tripping part. My biggest chicken yard fear is tripping over a bird and either breaking a leg or worse yet, hitting my head making me unconscious so all my little vultures could feast on my body, starting with my eyeballs. 😬 Oh the horrors!

Just a question on a personal level about Muscovies: how do you get past the excessive red skin on the heads and face? Is it not as bad as the pictures seem, or is it something that is really endearing? Just wondering.
They don't act as Ducks because really because a different species again. More like a duck and chicken...Definitely not Ducks really.

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