Sell Me On A Duck Breed

Silver Appleyard was another breed on my want list.

So, you have SA and Calls. Do they live together - ducks only, or with chickens too? Are they penned 24/7 or do they free range all or some of the time?
I first had Silver Appleyard and then sold then to get into Calls. I definitely keep my two species separated because my Ducks hate chickens.
All of my Pekins around age 2-3 develop serious leg problems due to there size and rapidly decline, They are a great breed to have just don't expect them to live as long as other breeds.
Having meat birds or egg layers are a challenge. A ornamental or duel purpose is easier. Just be cautious because some breeders have duel purpose and more a meat bird that suffers leg issues.
This is the kind of stuff I want y’all to tell me. BYC is like an “insiders’ club,” where you learn about all the idiosyncrasies the hatcheries and breeders might not tell about a breed, or poultry in general.
Could you elaborate on these particular problems?View attachment 2034773
Well I am by no means an expert on Pekins as mine are only about 10 months old but I have learned that due to the speed and intensity of their growth that they can require more B vitamins and can be more susceptible to some other ailments. When my 3 pekin ducklings arrived I had one with a curled up foot (not just her toes but her whole foot) and was having a hard time getting around since she was walking on the top of her foot and she was a runt that was not flourishing. Some incredible folks here jumped in and helped me come up with ideas to make her a shoe, water therapy, massage and give her B Complex vitamins and how to administer, etc.... With all of that being said she made it and is pretty much the leader and truth be known my most favorite duck. Since she got special treatment so young she has become more attached to me than the others which I of course love. Then....
I recently lost one of my pekins to Ascites which came as a major eye opener for me. I was not prepared for this and did not have proper supplies upfront to tube feed her and medicate her. I am prepared now with antibiotics and tube feeding kit. I had other basics but not these things. Again they are more susceptible to these things. So two out of the three so far I have had issues with. I have a rouen pair and 3 female runners which I (knock on wood) have not had a single health issue with. Coincidence? Could be but it has me wondering. Do not get me wrong, I would totally get pekins again but I will make sure to address certain things upfront. And then there are several others on here that have had pekins for years with absolutely no issues. So it could be the hatchery I used doesn't have good stock. Idk.
Side note: _Ascites may result from vascular damage, increased vascular hydraulic pressure, increased tissue or decreased vascular oncotic pressure, or blockage of lymph drainage
All of my Pekins around age 2-3 develop serious leg problems due to there size and rapidly decline, They are a great breed to have just don't expect them to live as long as other breeds.
Oh dear, so they’re kind of like trying to raise Cornish X beyond their expected “slaughter by” date! :( I don’t really want that, especially for a breed I’m expecting to make a pet out of.

I could see it now:
Me: Oh sweet boy, ‘Aflacetta’ is getting a little on the heavy side, which could mean she might cripple up or her legs may break at any time.​
Grandson: (crying) Mimi, are your legs about to break? :lau

Hmmm, I need to think this breed over as well. The Pekin was a third duck on my want list.
Well I am by no means an expert on Pekins as mine are only about 10 months old but I have learned that due to the speed and intensity of their growth that they can require more B vitamins and can be more susceptible to some other ailments. When my 3 pekin ducklings arrived I had one with a curled up foot (not just her toes but her whole foot) and was having a hard time getting around since she was walking on the top of her foot and she was a runt that was not flourishing. Some incredible folks here jumped in and helped me come up with ideas to make her a shoe, water therapy, massage and give her B Complex vitamins and how to administer, etc.... With all of that being said she made it and is pretty much the leader and truth be known my most favorite duck. Since she got special treatment so young she has become more attached to me than the others which I of course love. Then....
I recently lost one of my pekins to Ascites which came as a major eye opener for me. I was not prepared for this and did not have proper supplies upfront to tube feed her and medicate her. I am prepared now with antibiotics and tube feeding kit. I had other basics but not these things. Again they are more susceptible to these things. So two out of the three so far I have had issues with. I have a rouen pair and 3 female runners which I (knock on wood) have not had a single health issue with. Coincidence? Could be but it has me wondering. Do not get me wrong, I would totally get pekins again but I will make sure to address certain things upfront. And then there are several others on here that have had pekins for years with absolutely no issues. So it could be the hatchery I used doesn't have good stock. Idk.
Side note: _Ascites may result from vascular damage, increased vascular hydraulic pressure, increased tissue or decreased vascular oncotic pressure, or blockage of lymph drainage
My best pet ducks are my Muscovy ducks. They are very tame, easy to feed, never have leg problems, and usually live a long time. They lay a decent amount of eggs and are good broodies.

My runners and runner crosses are wild, they want nothing to do with me. Same with my call ducks, and all other quacking ducks,

When I go out to feed, it's always that Muscovies that I am tripping over, never the quackers.
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