Selling chickens and what are they worth?

Geographically speaking.. rural or suburban, unless you buy feed in bulk, you will be in the hole. I get (FL) $25 egg layers, $15 teenagers and $5.00 for 3 weeks old. If they don't want to pay for my feed, time and labor.. We bbq or have eggs for breakfast without looking back. :clap
what state are you in? if its easier I can buy them from you and find them a good home since your moving soon.I finally found out that we're officially selling our house.. and we'll have to be out in a little over a week! So I'm needing to sell some chickens real fast! My parents thought we had until the end of September until we closed on our house, but nope.. so I have 8 pullet who might be laying soon. They're 4 1/2 to 5 month old and they're barnyard mixes. How much should I sell them for? Keep in mind I want to sell them fast:) I don't care if I profit any I just don't want to loose too much money. Just having chicken was worth it in of itself though:) and should I sell them separately or all together?

what state are you in? if its easier I can buy them from you and find them a good home since your moving soon.
I'm in Oklahoma
You could easily get $10+ for point of lay pullets, but it really depends on the market and how saturated your area is. Craigslist is a great place to list and scope out the competition to see what the average prices are and to list a tad cheaper for faster movement.
I checked Craigslist and is anywere from ten to twenty-five dollars. I think since they're barnyard mixes I could sell them for $8
point of lay is good, back yard mixes, not so good, but I have had good amount of eggs out of them too. $8.00 and they should sell like hotcakes, but I think you could easily start at $12-15 and see if you get any takers. A week is short notice. Hope you get back into chickens later on!
Definitely will get back into chickens:) they're such a joy to have!
Like others said, depends on your area.... Here, even free hens might take several weeks to sell...

Edit: I just saw your post. That seems like a fair price to me.
I recently purchased 6 hens for $50 dollars. I thought that was a fair price the gal sellin them was moving an it was a backyard flock. We are in Michigan. They are 1-2 yrs old an all laying. Have adjusted well. The ad was on Hoobly similar to craigs list, check it out.
Good luck!

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