Selling Chicks


6 Years
Jan 20, 2014
I've searched and searched on here for a similar thread but I can't seem to find anything.

I'm incubating some Easter Egger eggs, they should hatch around the first day of spring, and then I'll be hatching more for Easter. There's already a few posts on Craigslist looking for EE chicks, and some that just want any type of layers, so I know there are buyers out there. I haven't seen many people around the area that sell chicks, I'm a very short drive from town, and feed stores typically sell out before Easter, in fact, TSC is almost sold out (I'm not sure if they'll get another shipment in or not, I know last year around this time they were sold out and not expecting any shipments). I might incubate some Mallard eggs too if she ever starts laying again. So, my question is... what are the "guidelines" for setting a price on your chicks?

Here's what I've decided but I'm not sure...

Day old - week old
$6 each
Roos: $2 or $3, will throw one in for free if they buy X amount of pullets
Mallard: $10

Anything after 1 week will be $1 more per week. Might slightly increase the price Easter weekend, because... well, you know!

Is it beneficial to offer a straight run option? Would $5 be a good price, and if they buy 5 or more they'd be $4 each?

Any input would be nice!

Here's one of my girls that just hatched... she's out of a blue egg!!
If you are wrong on the ones you sell as pullets, will you return their money or replace with a grown pullet?
I think it's safer/better to sell as straight run, unless you have sex links or autosexing breeds.

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