selling price for eggs?

I have one friend buying from me and she pays $2.50 per dozen and buys 2 dozen each time she visits. Last time she came she bought a third dozen for a friend. I also sold a dozen to someone else for $3. I told her $2.50 but she said to just keep the 50 cents, lol.

Does anyone here sell duck eggs?
I don't set a price, I just ask people to pay me what they think they can afford. Some people pay me $5/doz., some people a couple bucks, for others it's just whatever they happen to have on them. In the end it pays for the feed and we eat eggs for free. Mostly.
In Atlanta, I haven't sold any yet, but I guarantee I could get at least $4 per dozen. Heck, I'd pay that. I'd guess going rate for free range, organic eggs would be around $5/doz.
I don't set a price, I just ask people to pay me what they think they can afford. Some people pay me $5/doz., some people a couple bucks, for others it's just whatever they happen to have on them. In the end it pays for the feed and we eat eggs for free. Mostly.

I thought about doing that. My friend that buys them for $2.50 said some other friends asked how much we sell them for but she didn't answer, LOL. I told her that I had sold some for $3 and figured that would be easier than looking for change, lol. I told her I'd still sell eggs to her for $2.50 a dozen though, she liked that, lol..... But yea, I'll say $3 but if anyone asks or comments on the price I can work it out with them.... People should realize though that they're getting FRESH eggs, they're worth paying more. And $3 really isn't that unreasonable IMO. Look at the prices in stores, right?
As others have said its all about where you live and the market around you. Craig's list will be a good source (farm and garden section) for info on your local market asking prices, and how many others are selling eggs near you.

1.50/ 1/2 doz

2.50/ 1/2 doz

$1.00 each

We can not reuse cartons, so I order cases a couple of times a year to use. I watch the carton site for specials and buy when they have a good sale. We are only "open" on Saturdays, and have a steady flow that day and sell out or have 1 dozen left at the end of the day. Our Saturday farm hours also allow us to have ducklings, chicks and gosling pick ups that day as well. We do no tours, no one ever enters the fenced area. All animals are brought up to them.
I used to sell them for $2 a dozen a few yrs ago. But with the cost of feed and everything else I think I would have to charge a little more now days. My mom sells large- x-tra large brown eggs for $2.50 a dozen. Those are really a bargain cause most the eggs I get from her you can barely shut the carton lid. In fact I told her just to put mine is a basket.

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