Send your chicken pix, donate: Veterinarians Without Borders/Nov. 2011


13 Years
Apr 13, 2011
Fox Valley, IL
My Coop
My Coop
During the month of November, Aeroplan (The Air Canada frequent fliers mileage program) will donate $5 to Veterinarians Without Borders for every chicken picture we send in.

Simply, for every photo or drawing of a chicken that someone e-mails them, they donate $5 to buy a chicken to give to three villages in Laos. (they plan to donate 600 chickens, so they will donate $3000 total). It's completely legit, and so far I haven't gotten spammed or anything by them. (other than a single e-mail to confirm receipt of my photo). It's not a contest, there is no cost to participate, and it's real and a good thing they are doing:

Here's the link from their blog:

Here is part of what Veterinarians Without Borders is doing:
The aim of this project is to increase capacity in animal health care in Xaythany District, to improve opportunities for village communities to raise healthier animals, and to improve Laotians’ well-being through improved agricultural practices and ecosystem health. In addition, local women have also asked VWB to help them improve poultry production before the next rainy season in May, 2012.​
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