September 2015 Hatch-A-long!!

I would love some.  Thinking you will still have NN's come spring?  I think it would be really fun to have some of yours for the Easter Hatch A Long!    Especially if you have some laying blue/green eggs now.   :)

That will be great. You'll have to remind me, I write things down but somehow I always lose it or can't find the notebook I wrote it in.

This will all be contingent on whether I still have my chickens or not.

Been out of a job for almost 7 months now and things aren't looking to great either. I've been hanging into them for now, but if things don't improve soon they'll have to be sold or butchered for eating.

When you are ready just send me a PM and I'll get you some ready, if they're here.
Yep. You don't want wet eggs while incubating. It's just inviting bacteria to destroy you clutch. It's perfectly fine to set your eggs on top of a damp paper towel for 2 or 3 days when that moisture is critical to a successful hatch. But it can't be too wet.

@Scovy Momma

Thanks glad I can help others with the knowledge I've gained so far. Don't get me wrong I'm by no means an expert but if I can pass on that tiny bit of knowledge then I can know I did something right.

And Scovy I think you're doing great. :) I went in thinking the same thing when we got our farm innovators digital styrofoam incubator set almost half off with turner, candler, digital auto incubator unit with built in thermometer and hygrometer, and fan it also has a day count down. I'm so glad we got this one.(we got it cheaper than the manual turn no fan version) I have to say I thought it would be easy "set it and forget it". Right? Wrong. From day one when we received then I worried about the eggs my DH2B had bought me off eBay. 12+ silkies with three bonus bantam eggs (cochins, i didn't know what color, or self blue oegb) we received 14 silkies and the three misc. Bonus eggs all intact with good air cells if a little saddle shaped. None detached. I thought I was going to kill them all for sure. I would wake up in the night and run downstairs to check on them. BC I had a dream or you know just anything. It sounds crazier than it was but still. And then we got to see them hatch and there was some heartache. Some never pipped. Some pipped but died. One died in my hand for no apparent reason as I was assisting it. 3 were clears and one quit very very early on. But its been worth it. I got six silkies one self blue oegb pullet(who was an assisted hatch) and one barred cochin bantam. 2 of the silkies are giving me fits trying to sex them. Two I'm certain are pullets and two seem to be roos(one is crowing) both the bonus chicks are pullets. So I'm pleased with the numbers I got from that hatch.

The point is like Glory likes to say and we all usually forget those eggs and their chicks are a miracle from God that we just get to witness. We may think they're in our incubators but they're in God's. All we can do is try and pray and be grateful for whatever experience we get with each hatch. Like I said before its not easy and its fraught with emotion. But there is more awe than grief in my mind even with the less than perfect set that I have going now. Thankfully the twelve replacement eggs seem to be doing better than the original 9. Still I just hope I at least get one hen.
@all sorry for rambling. Past my bed time. Good night all and good night baby chickies we all can't wait to meet all of you.

ETA: @Scovy Momma

I also use a notebook I call my hatching notebook. I write everything in it. It's really more of a hatching journal and includes thoughts and feelings about the eggs as well as candling notes where the eggs came from shipping dates notes on condition and hatches as well as temps and humidity.
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@all sorry for rambling. Past my bed time. Good night all and good night baby chickies we all can't wait to meet all of you.

ETA: @Scovy Momma

I also use a notebook I call my hatching notebook. I write everything in it. It's really more of a hatching journal and includes thoughts and feelings about the eggs as well as candling notes where the eggs came from shipping dates notes on condition and hatches as well as temps and humidity.
Yep! I found an Exel page I printed off the Hatching 101 thread that I've been keeping track, trying to keep myself on point with this thing.

The temp/humidity gets noted twice a day inside & outside of the bator & then I check off if I've turned (tilted) them at least 3 times that day. It gives me something to do when I can't do anything but look at them. Makes me feel like I'm helping
Well I'm glad I could touch your heart :) you all touch mine every day but I feel especially close to you Glory. It's a good read and a quick read but then again I love to read when I have time. Anyway that book touches my heart I think you'd like it. I see why younger girls used to read it when it was first published.

Eta: that's funny that's what my DH2B calls it chicken crack or just BYC drug lol and I think if he met or talked to all of you he would understand much better as its hard to describe the friendships the community here
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@Scovy Momma
I love your "makes me feel like I'm helping" comment. Boy can I relate plus our incubator is in the kitchen so its a tease all day lol. So I talk to them :) lol I know I'm crazy no need to remind me. After all ignorance is supposed to be bliss. right?
Sorry I went to check on my chickens! Even when they're grown I can't leave em alone!!!!! Doh! Yea it's so easy to get caught up in it all and forget...they truly are in Gods hands first and foremost. He then places His trust in us to do "only" what we can. And the rest is up to Him. And worthy of His trust. But I will say this,I've never hatched in an incubator. And oh how I want so bad to. So I do not understand the fluster from that aspect. From dealing with a stubborn Broody? Oh yea!!! I believe the outcome is still up to my God though.
Meant to say the frustration. But fluster will work! Lol chickendreams24..... Thank you again for such kindness towards me. And I'll have you know,I feel the same towards you.
I really do love all of my friends here. Truly a blessing y'all are. Yea I share stories with my hublet too. Yup I said hublet! I like to change words into silly ones. K im weird. But I'm ok with that!

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