September 2016 Hatch-A-Long


So here are two of the funky air cell eggs. I'm hatching in a cut out egg carton to help with position. Is there anything more I can do to try and get a successful inner pip?
Locking down a day early for the bantams. Had internal piping on day 18 with the last hatch. Figure early lock down wont hurt the remaining la bresse.

Really disappointed with this hatch so far. I was exited to try the La bresse, but right off the bat ended up with problems. I'm down to 3 la bresse eggs all from the same girl. Lost 3 to bacteria I think entered from cracking by the toddler, 3 were infertile from the start and another 3 had D.I.S with bacteria really bad. Cracked two open today that just quit within the last day or so, lots of long whitish green ropes of bacteria. Wasn't able to get good pictures but I am wondering why they ended up infected so bad. The smell and growth was pretty far along for chicks that just passed. ( these chicks where moving 48hrs ago)  I'm wondering if its something that the hens passed along since the only eggs left are all from the same girl and one of her's is cracked but still going strong. 

I have 3 funky air celled serama eggs left. All are moving and making their air cells bounce. It shouldn't be long  for these guys.

I am in the process of hatching la bresse. They eggs were shipped so not great conditions to start with for me.
Out of 6 that i put in a werk ago only 2 are developing. So went ahead and ordered another 6 from a different breeder, 1 arrived smashed, the other 5 went in the bator last night after allowing them to rest for a day.
I read somewhere that la bresse were harder to hatch as they void a bloom. Have you heard this or had problems hatching these? I read that humidity should be lower also for hatching la bresse.
Good luck with your hatch.
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I am in the process of hatching la bresse. They eggs were shipped so not great conditions to start with for me.
Out of 6 that i put in a werk ago only 2 are developing. So went ahead and ordered another 6 from a different breeder, 1 arrived smashed, the other 5 went in the bator last night after allowing them to rest for a day.
I read somewhere that la bresse were harder to hatch as they void a bloom. Have you heard this or had problems hatching these? I read that humidity should be lower also for hatching la bresse.
Good luck with your hatch.
This is my first time trying to hatch the la bresse. I didn't know about the lack of bloom until after I started having issues. They also seem to have pretty thin shells. I though it was just poor nutrition in the hens, but now I find out that shell issues are something the breed is prone to. calcium suppliments are an absolute must with the hens of this breed. I was already doing a dry hatch for poor air cell quality on my shipped eggs, but even so the air cells do seem small for day 17.

This breed also has higher protein requirements than many other breeds and will get very nasty to other birds if these needs are not met. ( that I knew before I started ) My husband wants to try raising this bird really bad, but I didn't want to shell out 15-30$ per chick. If I cant get these to hatch I might bite the bullet for his birthday
Just reporting back. In addition to the 5 peeps I showed earlier, we have 2 more little cute silkie peeps! I switched the nest box for a cardboard produce box that has room enough for shallow food (starter) and water dishes, laid some cut grass in it and I did put the 2 still unhatched eggs back in there. If they don't hatch by tonight before bedtime or very early tomorrow morning (like sunrise early) I'll remove them and figure they weren't meant to or planning to hatch. But since there is no odor to them and since eggs did hatch between 8-9 a.m. and 6 p.m. today I want to give them a chance if they're late to the party.
I also blocked off (with another cardboard box wall cut to "walls" so as to block off the chicken wire near the new nest box. One of the little ones already figued its way out of one of the cut-out handle holes in the produce box. They are so incredibly quick to learn and experiment! This way if any venture out of the nest the holes of the chicken wire are fully blocked from their access.
Happy hatching folks. I'll be back to check on everyone else's progress here. And of course I'll report back in if I see any more peeps!
I have a chick that's unzipped around the whole egg but can't seem to push the egg open. I can see places here and there where the membrane isn't cut. It's really rocking trying to get out!

Should I wait? Should I help?
if you want you can wet the membrane. If you see blood vessles in the membrane wait!! if you cant see blood vessles you can chip away at the shezll and see if that helps.
So great to see all these cute fluffy chick pictures! can't wait till lockdown and then finally *hopefully* some hatching!

congrats everyone! :jumpy :jumpy
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I couldn't resist candling today! I know bad me for opening the incubator so much
but! Checking doesn't hurt as long as I wash my hands and make sure they don't get too cold. I found that almost half are still developing well. I saw a few lil dark specks like their eyes and all from what I've read up so far. Some seem a bit farther along then others but none have a super dark ring around them anymore, I was probably looking at the blood island! Good to know, and so relieved to not feel like I ruined this hatch!
The 10th marks day 8 and the 14th the 12th all days I'm going to go through candling them all. I believe I do have an early quitter so I'll post pics of a developing chick and any that seem suspicious. So question, when you candle should all of them look like the most developed and if they don't look like the most developed one should I be watchful of that?
Here is my day 3 of candling the Lavendar Ameraucana eggs. Let me know if you see any sure quitters or none developing. This is my first time and I have no idea what I am looking at. I have looked at hundreds of Candeling pics and still can't figure it out. Lol.




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