September 2016 Hatch-A-Long

Awe wow they're so cute! Did they hatch early? I can't remember but I think high temps might cause that. I have had one have that and it hatched late like yours, like maybe it's feet were caught up on something?
they hatched day 22-23, perhaps that's the case. I wasn't sure if it was from a vitamin deficiency perhaps...
I did have the temperature a little higher than a forced air as mine is a still air. Perhaps they were in hot spots or cool spots? I did try to move the eggs around as I turned so as not to have them in only one place, but maybe these two (if the bcm does have crooked toes) i didn't quite catch.

have to admit though the sfh with the crooked toes is kinda winning me over, guess it's that human compassion kickin' in, s/he is just so sweet and teeny tiny fluff!

I've been watching the chicks whenever my little baby lets me or is sleeping LOL
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Yay! Woke up to this! No pips yet on my other egg. And no chirping yet but I'm hoping for a less hands-on hatch this time. Don't let me down Brinsea!

Yay! Woke up to this! No pips yet on my other egg. And no chirping yet but I'm hoping for a less hands-on hatch this time. Don't let me down Brinsea!


A pip! I think that might be my favorite part, up to that point I worry nothing will happen and then bam a pip. Day 18 here, I'm nervous. Good luck 22 & none of my eggs have pipped :-( all the bantams we were hatching with them have sucssessfully hatched) so we're gonna wait a bit an see and then try to address the issues with my flock. So disappointed :-(
I have 24 eggs on day 17. Last time I candled, all 24 were developing, but 2 weren't as far along, so they may have quit on me. I think I'm going to freak if I get over 20 chicks! I usually run 50% - 60% hatch rate, AND they always start hatching on day 19. I don't think I've ever had incubated chicks go to day 21 before.
This is going to be interesting. I have 3 roosters - 2 EE's and one Delaware. The hens are NH's, EE's and Welsummers, so should be a good mix.

I was reading up thread about the brooder base. I used to use shavings all the time, but 2 years ago, I switched to dirt. Same dirt the big hens are on and I haven't had any issues at all. It seems to cut down on the smell too, since the poop decomposes faster.

Here's my brooder - dog proof! After this batch went out to the coop, we changed the lid to a 2 piece. Every time I'd lift it up to change the food and water, the chicks would fly out the other side! Ha. Live and learn and adapt is our motto. :)

is there an october hatch a long starting? I think I want to try hatching a few of our own eggs and see what happens... trying to figure out how to break this to my hubby LOL
is there an october hatch a long starting? I think I want to try hatching a few of our own eggs and see what happens... trying to figure out how to break this to my hubby LOL :gig :oops:

Come join the Halloween hatch along! There are contests to!

*Ssshhhhh......* I haven't told hubby I already bought more eggs. Figure he can't say no if they are already here ;)
I had a 64% hatch rate (not quite 2/3rds) on the black copper maran eggs. I purchased them online from one of the "darkest egg" winners at nationals. This is a better hatch rate than I've had in the past with these eggs, including when they were NOT SHIPPED eggs.

Next time I'll get an even better hatch rate but I'm liking the weighing method, next time I will weigh every 3 days. This time around I waited 4/5 days in between and didn't start the first weighing till day 8. I'll be posting photos of the guys and data a little later on when all my stuff has charged.

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