September 2022 Hatch-a-long🌞

Down to 3 eggs, all Silkies. Hope at least 2 make it to hatch, so they have each other for company.
Sold 7 of the viable eggs today, all went under a broody to finish out incubation. The remaining 3 Polkies look like early quitters here day 8.
Will likely set some more eggs next Sunday, we’ll see.😊
Sounds like she’s going to be a great mama!
My three little remaining Silkie eggs are doing great here day 13. I think we have about the same hatch date.😊
The ones that went under a customer’s broody, I assume are doing well also. He is not candling them, though sent me a photo yesterday of Mama hen sitting diligently on the eggs. Just going to wait and see what happens!
I just set four eggs from my own flock yesterday. So we shall see how this goes! Good luck every one
(Broody hen is sitting on the eggs)
Dates for mine:
placed under hen: 3rd of September.
Amount: 4. 3 brown, one white
Dates that will be candling days: day 4,10,18
Bad* Eggs will be removed after the second candling.
Breeds that are being mixed.
Silver laced wyndotte X silver EE roo.
White leghorn X silver EE roo.
Thats all I know of the rest will have to wait and see. I only have the silver EE cockerel in there with them. (He is about 6 months old, and has been mating with most if not all the hens I have) hens that the other two eggs could be from: white leghorn, silver laced wyndotte, golden laced wyndotte, lavender orpington, buff orpington, thats all that are possible, the rest have darker eggs/ eggs are not good enough to hatch (one can’t lay a good egg shell,only membrane, so cant hatch that.)
Hatch date should be 22-25 see you then!
I have a "few" eggs...
7 quail, coturnix. 1 balut, day 18, hatch date: September 5, 2022
the others I found in a grocery store, day 3. one white quail egg, and the rest normal. Two are definitely showing veins.
4 shipped goose eggs. One dent, one saddled air sac, three detached air sac on day 3. hatch date: October 1, 2022, maybe earlier.
13 chicken eggs. two dark brown, maybe from marans, two light brown, one very light brown, one green, from an olive egger, two blue, from an ameraucana, hatch date: September 24, 2022.
One green, from an olive egger, one very light brown, one blue, from an ameraucana, hatch date: September 10, 2022
One speckled, from a welsummer, one brown-green, maybe from an olive egger. Hatch date: September 17, 2022
Two duck, day two, hatch date: October 2, 2022, maybe earlier, my waterfowl always hatched earlier.
The chicken eggs are most likely all going to be olive eggers, as they came from a farm with blue, green, and brown roosters and hens.
I just set four eggs from my own flock yesterday. So we shall see how this goes! Good luck every one
(Broody hen is sitting on the eggs)
Dates for mine:
placed under hen: 3rd of September.
Amount: 4. 3 brown, one white
Dates that will be candling days: day 4,10,18
Bad* Eggs will be removed after the second candling.
Breeds that are being mixed.
Silver laced wyndotte X silver EE roo.
White leghorn X silver EE roo.
Thats all I know of the rest will have to wait and see. I only have the silver EE cockerel in there with them. (He is about 6 months old, and has been mating with most if not all the hens I have) hens that the other two eggs could be from: white leghorn, silver laced wyndotte, golden laced wyndotte, lavender orpington, buff orpington, thats all that are possible, the rest have darker eggs/ eggs are not good enough to hatch (one can’t lay a good egg shell,only membrane, so cant hatch that.)
Hatch date should be 22-25 see you then!
Yay! Welcome!😊

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