***SEPTEMBER HATCH-A-LONG come join in***

Armageddon: Awe -

What a cutie!
Ok so I am close to lock down day and have a questions. Ok I have 18 eggs that are due for lockdown on Wednesday. I have candled these eggs and I might get 2 chicks. I am not holding my breath but I don't want to be wrong and kill a chick so I am leaving them alone and waiting till I can be sure. I also have 9 others that are not due for lockdown for a couple more weeks. Sooo I need to turn those 9 eggs. Also i don't want to get my humidity too high and mess up the 9 which I know are fertile and seem to be developing. Is 55% ok for hatching? Can I not turn the 18 and just turn the 9. I kinda have the eggs separated by thermometers atm. ( yes I have that many in there)

To be honest I have never hatched chicken eggs before and I never worried this much when I did the geese. Just hoping for a couple babies to play with. My big girls lay enough eggs so don't really need more I just want more. lol
HeatherLynn: I had the same problem as you, I had chicken eggs in the bator w/ my quail. The quail went into lockdow, but I still opened the incubator and turned the chicken eggs. The quail and chickens hatched ... so ...
okay, I have 16 duck eggs in the bator as of 9/6/10 1:30pm woot woot. Cant wait, they are due to hatch on Oct. 3. I am soooo excited, this is my first duckling hatch! After they are all done, I have to have a bator full of quail eggs.
I'm in, I set 30 eggs from my "barnyard mix" on August 30th, to hatch for a neighbor. He's going to butcher the roos & keep any hens for layers. He's a great neighbor, he always takes my extra roos off my hands.

I use a HovaBator 2362N forced air with a turner. I use the dry incubation method. This march I hatched 29 out of 30 eggs so hopefully I will have the same results this time. Only difference is last time I used eggs that were less than 4 days old, this time some of the eggs may have be older. So far temps have stayed a steady 99.5 with a few small spikes & humidity is at 42% right now. I keep one vent hole open until lockdown. I have a tube attached to a syringe that I add water with. I only open the bator to candle on days 7, 14, & when I get them out of the turner to hatch.

Happy Hatching everyone!
Woo hoooo! Two more bantam cochins have hatched this morning! That's 3 out of 7 and today is the actual, scheduled, 21st day in the incubator. I may have MORE of 'em hatch! But even if I don't, 3 out of 7 is more than I could have hoped for! (When I last candled the eggs, only 2 "looked good." I even wrote "NO" on five of the eggs..... and one of the NOs has hatched!)

Pics to be added when I get home from work. Didn't have time this morning to take any.
My B - Day is 7 days after you hatch!

cparian: Mixes are the best!
Sounds like you're doing an awesome job - keep it up!

Can't wait for pictures!

I found an egg in Mrs. Fluffy Puffy's hutch this morning, it was either layed yesterday afternoon or early this morning. It was already cold but could I still stick it under a broody hen? Do you think it's still alive?
Thanks -
Oh crap! I found out my humidity in the first hatch was probably too high. I thought the indoor outdoor hygrometer was telling me the humidity in the outside, nope. What a dummy. I freaked out for weeks about why my humidity was so low. I stuck the unit in there and it read 80%!!!!! I am pretty sure that would be a bad thing. I hope some guineas hatch. At least I know now what I didn't then. I checked it again and after taking 2 darn washcloths and 5 pieces of sponge the humidity has gone UP to 85%. I am going to take all the washcloths out and just leave the three yogurt cups I have in there with 2 inches each of water in them. What a ditz I feel like! 2 weeks to go, hopefully the eggs have something alive. I made the same mistake with the bbs orpingtons and I still ended up with 5.

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