***SEPTEMBER HATCH-A-LONG come join in***

Nervous dang wreck. I can see the little chick moving through the membrane, I can hear it cheeping but it doesn't seem to be doing anything to get out and my previously could not keep it at 50% humidity keeps trying to climb on me now. bugger Not one of the other eggs has done anything either. I wonder how the hubby would feel about bringing one lonely little chick into bed with us. sigh
Some of mine pipped last night but didn't hatch until tonight so far there are 7 out nearly 24hours later. A few have small pips but half of them haven't done anything yet. I had 18 left in the bator and they all looked good when I went to lock down. Not sure how long to wait before taking the hatched ones out.
Day 16 for my Coturnix eggs. Checked them a few minutes ago, and I can see 1 pip through the window.
I'm betting tomorrow they'll be popping like it's the 4th of July!!

Got 4 eggs in the mail today. Two Silkies and two Silkie crosses. I'm a little worried about the aircells.....time will tell. The last time she sent me eggs from the same parents, aircells were detached, due to shipping. Out of 5 eggs, 3 developed nicely, looked great on day 19. Had total power outage for several hours on day 20 and day 21....they never made it out. I'm hoping everything goes well this time around.
Gonna be extra extra gentle with these eggs. Am only gonna candle the day I put them in bator, on day 15 (maybe), and on day of lockdown.

Happy Hatchdays, ya'll!!!
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well both chicks made it out of their shells. but one died about an hour later
so one little serama is the grand total for my sept hatch.

Here are the ones that I hatched out this month. I havne't had any chickens because i've been concentrating on quail for our freezer but I do have a few. And here they are. The first one just hatched today and the rest earlier this month. I bought some eggs from a BYC'er for Lavender Orphingtons and thats what this little guy is. There are a few more to hatch still of this breed. The others I got through the monthly egg swap here at BYC.


By emvickrey at 2010-09-23

By emvickrey at 2010-09-10

By emvickrey at 2010-09-10

By emvickrey at 2010-09-10

By emvickrey at 2010-09-10

By emvickrey at 2010-09-10

All the swap chicks where cockerels except for the little EE.
I'm sorry!
I know just how you fee! I was SO sad that my chick that shrink wrapped died 5 hrs after I helped it out. Hope you can find your little one a buddy to keep it company
Hatch before this one I had only 1 chick hatch and fortunately the feed store had chicks so I bought 2 polish Bantam chicks (both turned out to be females) to keep what is now a Wheaten Ameraucana rooster company. The Polish girls love him! So funny!!
Ok question. The chick is sorta attached to the shell by a little bloody cord. It is struggling all over the place trying to get rid of its shell. It just hatched a few min ago. Will that thing come off on its own. Its little bum look red and the cord looking thing is attached near there.

Oh and it has fuzzy feet. My maran is a daddy. Who the heck knows who mommy is, probably an australop but still YAY.

Hope at least one other hatches though.

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