***SEPTEMBER HATCH-A-LONG come join in***

Two babies hatched so far!

I put 12 coturnix eggs in my Brinsea Advance on Monday, Sept 13 at 9:30 AM. This morning at about 11:30 they went into lockdown. However, I will have to disturb lockdown at least one time. I also have 3 button quail eggs in the incubator. A mama was on the eggs but I had to move them into the incubator. I wasn't sure exactly when she started sitting, but they were WAY overdue as she was on them for several days before the coturnix eggs went into the 'bator. I had given up on them but was going to leave them in until the coturnix eggs all hatched.

Tonight, I was VERY surprised to see a strong little button quail -- just hatched and still wet -- in the incubator and another one with an egg that was zipped all the way around. That one hatched an hour or two later. It isn't as large or strong as the first one, but that egg was smaller to begin with. The first baby is up and around and climbing over COTURNIX eggs that are bigger than he is. He's nearly dry already!

2 button quail hatched (days late)
1 button quail left
12 coturnix eggs left (one damaged, probably won't hatch, one feels "light" almost certainly no good, 10 ???)

The first button quail to hatch was so active that he actually rolled coturnix eggs around in the incubator. He moved at least 3 of them out of his way. He is climbing all over them and is currently sleeping perched between two eggs. Silly baby.

The Brinsea is actually much fuller than capacity. It is supposed to hold 12 quail eggs. It has had 15 eggs in it -- 12 coturnix eggs in the turners & I've been hand turning the button quail eggs several times a day.
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The babies are happily moved into a brooder. I figured I'd best do it now before anyone else pipped. They are snuggled up against a beanie baby, though they much prefer my hand.

It would be nice if the last button egg would hatch, but I'm happy with the two! The 2nd one is still a little smaller but is getting around good.

Oh, those squished glass marbles are PERFECT on their side in the quail waterers. I'd been using some unusually small marbles that I have (part of an old game) but they are currently in the water well of my incubator. I was hunting for a substitute and hit on the mancala pieces (squished marbles). It would not be possible to find something better!

The babies are here!!! Happy dance....

I still have quite a few more pips on other eggs in the bator but the 3 FBCM's eggs are all hatched and now an Australorp
oh my !
at least you have one cutie.

wait til he/she is dry then stick her in your bra?! lol! she'd get used to being handled real quick that way and not be lonely!! lol. jk, i dont know if that would be very fun/safe for a baby chickie.
oh my !
at least you have one cutie.

wait til he/she is dry then stick her in your bra?! lol! she'd get used to being handled real quick that way and not be lonely!! lol. jk, i dont know if that would be very fun/safe for a baby chickie.

here is a pic of my little serama now. she (
) likes to be held and between my 3 girls gets held a lot.


edited to put in pic
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Third (and last) button quail baby is hatched. I can't believe how late they were. I "know" I set the coturnix eggs on August 13. The mother button quail had been on her eggs for AT LEAST three days at that time -- I'm thinking more like 4 days. That means that they were two or three days late in hatching. They seem healthy and strong, though. Now to teach them to eat...

Pictures & video are at my blog. The link is in my signature. (Or rather, I guess it's found by clicking "website" to the right...)
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