September Hatch-A-Long!

First ever baby hatched out of my own stock
dad was the boy in my avatar, can't wait to see what color he/she will be

mom is the girl in the background in this picture.
Ugh, one of my Huastecs died in the shell. I candled to see what was up and there was no movement etc. Opened a tiny peep hole - dead. Eggtopsied - the yolk was wrapped around one leg and its neck :/ Perfect but dead chick. My one other Huastec and my only Colloncas are probably going to be assists if they makes it - both pipped through major veins and look very wet inside. Hoping its not busted yolks. :th After 2 shipments and 40 eggs I can't even manage a breeding pair... please let these two live!! Another BYCer needs a Colloncas and has a Huastec to trade. MAYBE I can manage to get both of us a breeding pair of something :rolleyes: :he

Good luck to you and the chickies. :hugs
Another of my white leghorn crosses hatched, the other is pipped and so is another Marans cross who is starting to zip. The last 2 survivors from my doomed South American eggs are just sitting there waiting to absorb. They will probably be assists... if they live. Please live!!!!! :fl
It's still very busy on here I see? Only 3 more days left then we're into October! Sheesh!
Does anyone continue hatching through winter? It's my first year with my girls and I'm not sure how they will lay when it's cold. Are their eggs poorer quality in winter?

On another note, my little runt who hatched on day 23 seems to be doing well. It's totally dwarfed by the others but is eating and fluffed up nicely.
Congrats on everyone's hatches.


3rd from the left.
Well, it's late, no it's rather early I guess. Just checked the 'bator, have 4 eggs left, doesn't look like they are viable. Will let them be and check after sunrise...
So, that will put me at 14 out of 18. Had a little trouble with 2, but they are thriving now.

Hmm, I would like to participate in the Oct. hatch, just don't know if any of the hens are willing. Most are in some phase of molt. Will try to pull 6 or so and see if they are fertile. Not sure about cold hardiness, just fewer daylight hours. Here in the south, the winters are usually not that brutal.....usually...;)
It's still very busy on here I see? Only 3 more days left then we're into October! Sheesh!
Does anyone continue hatching through winter? It's my first year with my girls and I'm not sure how they will lay when it's cold. Are their eggs poorer quality in winter?

On another note, my little runt who hatched on day 23 seems to be doing well. It's totally dwarfed by the others but is eating and fluffed up nicely.
Congrats on everyone's hatches.


3rd from the left.
Too cute!

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