September Hatch-A-Long!

are you expecting in Oct? I want a partner in crime lol:barnie

No, sadly I am living vicariously thru the hatching threads right now. My bators are un plugged due to work demands as we prepare for AZA Certification, again. (At least we only have to do this every 5yrs.) I am also looking into a Sportsman, so I can hatch the guineas without risking my life. My guineas make great broodies, but are alot meaner than the hens.
I am planning to add SA's next year. (I actually have a plan for next year!!) Happy Dance!!
One of my blue Marans crosses came out so beautiful. Not sure who the daddy is or how genetically I got a silver Marans... but she is just gorgeous. I picked her up thinking it was my splash Breda and then realized although its feet are just as fuzzy it was one of the Marans instead. Here are her glamourshots

I love their glamour shots. I will have to do some for Max.
I was going to paint my chicken tractor that my friends made for me. Woo Hoo! But crisis instead. I sold some EE to a girl 2 hours away. She is very nice 14 year old. I gave her a few extras too. This morning she texted me and said one had coccidia. I thought they had it about 3 weeks ago and gave all of then Corid for a week. Turns out they didn't. But I finished anyway just to be sure. Everyone has been fine since. The one I thought had was even in a completely different room with no contact and I sanitize my hands but there is always a chance I forgot. I have read it is in all chickens systems and it's really about low immune system allowing it to get out of control. But I have also read that they get it from dampness or eating the poo of an infected chicken. So, I'm trying to figure out where this chick might have got it. Since all of mine have been treated with no new ones coming in. (these chicks have never been outside until I took them to her.) And she has not cross contaminated them with her other chickens, I am wondering, how? I am hoping it is just intestinal lining that looks bad. She didn't realize they still needed the heat lamp at night, could they have been stressed enough to cause it? I do not want to be selling sick chicks but none of mine are sick and she just got them yesterday. I have cleaned everything again. Checked out each chick. Max helped with all of it. Never left my side. Good old Max.
How exciting! I was hoping for some runners this year but sadly since I didn't separate my pair of runners from everyone else all but 1 that hatched were mix breeds. I'm really hoping the one Indian runner who is now a month old is a female!

What colors will you be getting out of those eggs?
They have all colors so who knows , black, black splash, fawn & white, silver, blue splash, brown, brown splash, and white I want mostly the fawn but Ill take what I can get . My local feed store doesnt get the runners at all so this will be the cheapest way to get them without spending a fortune and A LOT cooler to hatch them ! They say some even have the crest gene which would be neat !
Speaking of Max,

I found a use for all of my lone socks and just in time since Max found a new place to sleep.

This is how we watch a movie. Max isn't limping any more.
The little one didn't make it. I was terrified of making any more bleeds so I left it alone except to rewet the paper towel, even after I thought it was gone. Finally accepted that it was gone and opened up slowly. The baby was, in fact, wrongly positioned with its head tucked against its belly pointing towards the small end.
The little one didn't make it. I was terrified of making any more bleeds so I left it alone except to rewet the paper towel, even after I thought it was gone. Finally accepted that it was gone and opened up slowly. The baby was, in fact, wrongly positioned with its head tucked against its belly pointing towards the small end.

i'm sorry. Amazing how atta
ched we can get before we even meet them..........
Out of 16 eggs, 7 made it do lockdown and 5 hatched. They were shipped and the USPS wasn't kind to this batch. I am happy I got this many. Dark ones Black Croad Lahgsnans and the yellow White American Bresses.

The yellow likes to slepp this way. It's been up and around but always sleeps like this.

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