September Hatch-A-Long

Congrats! I have also had a chick that has hatched the wrong way round! I was so happy that it made it! That same chicks that hatched wrong is one of my best broodies at the moment!

That's so cool, I mean I have had it happen with a goose, but I had to help it and it was so nerve wracking!!

I wont know how this one does, all these chicks are already sold, Collecting more to reset hopefully by Tuesday tho
She wouldn't probably mind if you gave her a cage if it was big and comfy! I don't think she would need her own run (but then you would have to slowly intergrate her with your existing flock!
To tell the truth I just leave my broody hens alone. Where they go broody is where they want to be so I leave them there (except for when the eggs start hatching, then I bring them inside)I just totally leave them alone to do their own thing!
I hope I helped you a little!
Most people don't allow their broodies to sit to much but I let mine sit whenever they want to!
Thank you!! I just wouldn't want to get her and have her be unhappy! Unfortunatly my guys don't get to free range like I would prefer since we have so many stray dogs and wild animals that would kill them. Eventually I will have fenced yard area that they could be ranging for part of the day and back in the coop/run for the night. Congrats on all the new chicks. The broody is going to have her hands full with so many chicks!!! They sure know what to do better than us!
Ok got a question about broody hens. I have a chance to get a hen that only wants to sit on eggs! I know chickens like company but if I were to get her I would be very concerned to put her in any of my coops with my bigger hens since they are not very nice to incomers. Can she be in a cage if its big and comfy? Would she need her own coop/run? What do most of you do with your broody? How often does she need eggs to sit on and how often should you let her sit? I'm sure I can research this but just thought I would get your opinions first. I want to get another coop/run but just not sure I can just yet so might just wait. Not sure what breed the hen is, I'm assuming banty, serima or silkie since it said small broody in ad. Thank You!
On more than one occasion I have moved a broody hen into a box-nest inside a large old plastic dog crate, surrounded by a puppy pen with some type of fencing over the top. I put a tarp over one end to keep it dry. They don't like being moved, and sometimes moving them can break them out of being broody for a while, but I haven't had a problem with that.
There can be some problems with integration into the flock. You really have to keep an eye on things, but eventually, once they figure out their pecking order, things usually settle down.
Hello fellow hatchers : I started about , Well you might say 21 days ago today, Today is my hatch date as you can see I have seven left ! The one that hatched on the 19th day and I have to say HES doing very good but starting to get concerned about the others , like I said this is hatch day , it's kinda hard to hear any peeping from the the other seven because LIL bit is peeping away , I used a little giant model 9300 with the turner , when I went on lock down the temp was at 100 - 101 deg, at 65- 70 % humidity...... I started lock down on the 18th day at 6:30 pm 24 hours later almost to the min at 6:22pm the one you see hatched , and nothing since .the humidity went up about 5% when he hatched which put me at 72% but it came back down to 67% I don't think that was to high , ? What are your thoughts think I've lost the others ? I really hope not , my girls worked hard for these eggs , My rooster done his job .....I did candle at 7 days and on the 14th day everything looked great so here I am waiting already fed my flock and all the other critters ,...... my wife I had six kids which are all grown and on there on I think I'm more nervous today Maybe something will happen today , y'all have a great and safe day and all the luck on your hatch .........:(

Hello fellow hatchers : I started about , Well you might say 21 days ago today, Today is my hatch date as you can see I have seven left ! The one that hatched on the 19th day and I have to say HES doing very good but starting to get concerned about the others , like I said this is hatch day , it's kinda hard to hear any peeping from the the other seven because LIL bit is peeping away , I used a little giant model 9300 with the turner , when I went on lock down the temp was at 100 - 101 deg, at 65- 70 % humidity...... I started lock down on the 18th day at 6:30 pm 24 hours later almost to the min at 6:22pm the one you see hatched , and nothing since .the humidity went up about 5% when he hatched which put me at 72% but it came back down to 67% I don't think that was to high , ? What are your thoughts think I've lost the others ? I really hope not , my girls worked hard for these eggs , My rooster done his job .....I did candle at 7 days and on the 14th day everything looked great so here I am waiting already fed my flock and all the other critters ,...... my wife I had six kids which are all grown and on there on I think I'm more nervous today Maybe something will happen today , y'all have a great and safe day and all the luck on your hatch .........

I think you should give it a few days! Some chicks like to go slow!
Hello fellow hatchers : I started about , Well you might say 21 days ago today, Today is my hatch date as you can see I have seven left ! The one that hatched on the 19th day and I have to say HES doing very good but starting to get concerned about the others , like I said this is hatch day , it's kinda hard to hear any peeping from the the other seven because LIL bit is peeping away , I used a little giant model 9300 with the turner , when I went on lock down the temp was at 100 - 101 deg, at 65- 70 % humidity...... I started lock down on the 18th day at 6:30 pm 24 hours later almost to the min at 6:22pm the one you see hatched , and nothing since .the humidity went up about 5% when he hatched which put me at 72% but it came back down to 67% I don't think that was to high , ? What are your thoughts think I've lost the others ? I really hope not , my girls worked hard for these eggs , My rooster done his job .....I did candle at 7 days and on the 14th day everything looked great so here I am waiting already fed my flock and all the other critters ,...... my wife I had six kids which are all grown and on there on I think I'm more nervous today Maybe something will happen today , y'all have a great and safe day and all the luck on your hatch .........

Congrats on your hatched chick!!!!

Are you running a still or forced air incubator?? I have a still air and I like to keep it on the high side of 101 to the mid 102's I find that although I get early hatches, the majority hatch out on day 21. I would certainly give it a few more time as even a 1 degree drop during incubation will cause a late hatch. Also, your humidity for incubation seems a bit high, several folks run dry incubation but I think 45-50 is the normal and then 60-65 during lockdown...

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