Serama Hatch-A-Long!!

I'm so sorry to hear about this. I wish I'd seen it earlier. My daughter ended up putting a stick halfway through her foot so I've been pre occupied, but reading this made me want to cry.

Did your hen pull through? How about the eggs? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you

Thanks, it's been a crazy time all around, me thinks. Sadly she didn't make it. She died in my arms though and I knew she was joining my bird flock in spirit which is where all of my beloved chicks and birds go. That is the hard part of loving critters so much. RIP Stella

I just hatched 2 of her chicks and they look totally different than her first chicks which are mottled, these two are chocolate and yellow, a bit surprising! They should both be silkied and will go under a hen tonight! I have two more of her eggs that are in the incubator that I may put under a broody. They have not been the easiest eggs to hatch.

I hope the foot is better!
I had to give my two chicks to a new mommy because the one they were under kept pecking them! I guess she knew she didn't hatch them or wasn't ready for them!

New mama already had a little frizzle chick who is so tiny, she is about the size of the newly hatched chicks. She is probably almost a couple weeks old.

They seem like they are doing well now!

I just have two silkied eggs left and my incubator went cold overnight, I think, and one may have quit. And here I was thinking I would have almost unlimited silkied eggs to hatch.
I hatched my last two silkied Serama eggs and a frizzle and they look to be doing well!

I have a tiny hen who hasn't laid any eggs in a year or more but was a great mama before so I brought her in and put the babies under her. I wasn't sure how that would go over, but she took right to them and has been a wonderful mama! The chicks do better under a hen and I wanted to give them the best chance. I'll get some photos of them as they get a little bigger. I miss my hen, but I am glad I have 6 silkied chicks now and they are different colors too.
I'm glad you're still hatching!

I just got a new incubator and am itching to use it, but first I need to get some dang eggs. Only one of my girls is laying but her eggs are so teensy there's no way I'm hatching those. I've got a long suffering case of serama hatching fever, seems like
I'm glad you're still hatching!

I just got a new incubator and am itching to use it, but first I need to get some dang eggs. Only one of my girls is laying but her eggs are so teensy there's no way I'm hatching those. I've got a long suffering case of serama hatching fever, seems like

What kind of incubator did you get?

I just set two eggs from the straight feathered hen in with my silkied guy. He has nice form. So I wouldn't mind some straight feathered chicks from him too.

I just lost one of my silkied chicks... so sad, but I am amazed at what a good mama my hen is being considering that she never went broody!

I just have a few girls laying this time of year. It is so wet!!
I got an IncuView from Incubator Warehouse! Figured I would give it a shot. I have it filled up with button quail eggs along with a few serama eggs right now. Now that I have the eggs in there, I'm a little worried their universal size egg tray is just not going to cut it with the auto turner! I don't know if it is moving them far enough and it is clattering the quail eggs about. It is hard to tell.. the max # of turns is 6. I'm so used to my brinsea turning every hour and beeping about it, it gave me peace of mind LOL. Not to complain! There is a lot I like about this 'bator at a glance.

I'm sorry you lost your silkied chick! I hope you hatch some more. I have two silkied roosters, but no silkied hens, so if one ever pops up I'll be very surprised! I also only have one frizzled hen now, since most of my frizzles were roosters. Everyone else is smooth. I'm actually moving out of large fowl entirely to just Serama, right now I'm getting almost no eggs and all my serama eggs have been infertile since my big rooster has been keeping the littler guys away from the hens.

Much the opposite here though- bone dry, and I'm glad. We had way too much rain and this is an arid area so we were not prepared.. did a lot of fighting mud in the yard and I'm glad for the break! Could do without it getting dark so early though :(
I got an IncuView from Incubator Warehouse! Figured I would give it a shot. I have it filled up with button quail eggs along with a few serama eggs right now. Now that I have the eggs in there, I'm a little worried their universal size egg tray is just not going to cut it with the auto turner! I don't know if it is moving them far enough and it is clattering the quail eggs about. It is hard to tell.. the max # of turns is 6. I'm so used to my brinsea turning every hour and beeping about it, it gave me peace of mind LOL. Not to complain! There is a lot I like about this 'bator at a glance.

I'm sorry you lost your silkied chick! I hope you hatch some more. I have two silkied roosters, but no silkied hens, so if one ever pops up I'll be very surprised! I also only have one frizzled hen now, since most of my frizzles were roosters. Everyone else is smooth. I'm actually moving out of large fowl entirely to just Serama, right now I'm getting almost no eggs and all my serama eggs have been infertile since my big rooster has been keeping the littler guys away from the hens.

Much the opposite here though- bone dry, and I'm glad. We had way too much rain and this is an arid area so we were not prepared.. did a lot of fighting mud in the yard and I'm glad for the break! Could do without it getting dark so early though :(

Can't wait to see how your hatch goes. I tried to hatch some button quail once, but no luck. They are crazy tiny eggs!

I have some Serama eggs in the bator now, pretty small eggs so we'll see how they do!

There were mail complications with my first set of eggs (they were sent here... sent all the way back... then sent here again???) so no serama eggs in the incuview developed. I do have 6 viables with 8 days to go in my mini advance! I did hatch this sweet lil bugger today though, so far out of only 50 eggs he is the only one out. Hoping this hatch is not a total failure because he sure is lonely!

Owl the desk serama is fascinated by him.

Awesome! There were mail complications with my first set of eggs (they were sent here... sent all the way back... then sent here again???) so no serama eggs in the incuview developed. I do have 6 viables with 8 days to go in my mini advance! I did hatch this sweet lil bugger today though, so far out of only 50 eggs he is the only one out. Hoping this hatch is not a total failure because he sure is lonely! Owl the desk serama is fascinated by him.
That sure is a cute baby!! I hope it gets some friends soon. 1/50 is, well, pretty rough. This reminded me to put me eggs in the hatcher, hopefully no one has pipped yet. First two are out and so tiny! Their mama isnt a pullet anymore though. Crossing my fingers for your next eggs! I had a wierd day today and found my tiny black crele roo out of his coop this morning. Somehow he had been out all night and was so cold!! I put him on a hot water bottle and a couple times I wondered if he was still alive, but I ran some errands and when I got back he was missing. We found him under the coffee table looking for snacks so hopefully he will be okay.

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