Set 3/9/12 HATCH ALONG!

Day 16!!!! How is everyone doing? I candeled a few yesterday and I didn't see much, it's really dark in there. I don't think my candeler is bright enough! 2 more days until lockdown, getting excited! My hubby is going to a business meeting out of town and asked if I wanted to go....darn, I have my eggs due on the 30th and do not dare leave!

Since mine all looked to be a day or so behind, I was going to lockdown on Wed. night at 10:30 (day 19 after setting) but then realized I'm working that night, so will have to do it before I go. Maybe early that evening. They were all still moving around inside the shells, so I know they're still alive. My thermometers are now up to about 100. Well, one is at 100, one is at 102 - that one is closer to the turner motor, so I don't know if that makes a difference or not. I guess we'll see what happens in the next week.

ETA - I noticed yesterday that one side of the incubator seemed to be running hotter than the other, but didn't really pay much attention (very busy day - unexpected funeral to go to tomorrow, DH is a pallbearer so we had to go buy him some good clothes, got wrapped up in other things, too). Today I noticed the "hot" side was running about 103-104, the other side was at 100 (this was according to the two fish tank thermometers nestled in the eggs - the one that came with the incubator that sits on top of the eggs was at 101 on the one side, and when I moved it showed 99.5 on the other...) So, I candled tonight out of curiosity. The eggs on the hot side are definitely more developed. So, I switched them around. Maybe the slower ones will catch up before lockdown. I also nudged the thermostat down a hair. Sigh...
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It's day 17! We are having a big storm in South central Utah today, and I am just hoping and praying the power doesn't go out! Have a great day everyone.
We've had two power outages since setting eggs and some wild fluctuations in humidity early on, so I don't have a lot of hope for these little guys. Will lock down tomorrow same as you all and see what happens Friday.
WOW that is so cool! ya know, i was looking at your picture, and then relised i would never ever think to draw with a pencil the air sacs.... LOL. idk why, that is a really good idea to be able to keep track of everything. i added a little more water, and then a dixie cup with a cut sponge that was wet in the bator and it brought it back up to 50%... so thats good i guess. Idk if I can go from around 50% humitity "way" of hatching and lower it once they have been started to the "dry hatch" way... or if once you start one way you just keep it..... so my plan is try to keep it around 50%...if it gets low, no biggy add alittle water and see. This is my first real batch. the last one all either died or where not fertile (which im sure you all rememeber)....
I wouldn't recommend making any extreme changes, either. Although "last time" I did the "dry hatch method", humidity averaging 30%...I didn't go the complete opposite route this time. I just upped my humidity level about 10% hoping for a better hatch rate. (It is averaging 40% with one water trough full.) Four silkie chicks still managed to hatch alive and healthy under those "dry hatch" conditions. Plus, my bator instructions (and other experienced people) say it is better for humidity to be a little low than to be too high! Now if NONE hatched using a specific method or humidity level, I would know my levels were WAY off and probably would make extreme changes.

I have my eggs in they got put in on the 22nd i believe, and i was going to leave the egg turner off for atleast 4 days, then turn it on. Everyone says since they where shipped this is a good day, i think at this point that is the only thing im really worried about. I know i was told not to touch them or turn them and i havent but im just so scared that they will die cause i havent turned them a little bit and the chick needs that movement to release the pressure.... IDK!

They should still be turned after about the 1st or 2nd day...even if it is just sort of leaning them in a different direction. It's probably fine to use the turner by the 3rd day because it moves very slowly. My last hatch was with shipped eggs and I did everything wrong and still 4 chicks hatched. I let them rest on the counter overnight (which is suggested) but then once in the incubator, I started rolling them 3X a day from Day1.
If you are ever in doubt or uncomfortable with what you are doing, just read some old threads on the topic and you can usually have your questions answered.

Good Luck, Cali
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Since mine all looked to be a day or so behind, I was going to lockdown on Wed. night at 10:30 (day 19 after setting) but then realized I'm working that night, so will have to do it before I go. Maybe early that evening. They were all still moving around inside the shells, so I know they're still alive. My thermometers are now up to about 100. Well, one is at 100, one is at 102 - that one is closer to the turner motor, so I don't know if that makes a difference or not. I guess we'll see what happens in the next week.
Yes, ithe turner motor can make the temperature up to 3 degrees hotter in that area. If possible leave the spot next to it empty - or if your bator is full, switch eggs around.
ETA - I noticed yesterday that one side of the incubator seemed to be running hotter than the other, but didn't really pay much attention (very busy day - unexpected funeral to go to tomorrow, DH is a pallbearer so we had to go buy him some good clothes, got wrapped up in other things, too). Today I noticed the "hot" side was running about 103-104, the other side was at 100 (this was according to the two fish tank thermometers nestled in the eggs - the one that came with the incubator that sits on top of the eggs was at 101 on the one side, and when I moved it showed 99.5 on the other...) So, I candled tonight out of curiosity. The eggs on the hot side are definitely more developed. So, I switched them around. Maybe the slower ones will catch up before lockdown. I also nudged the thermostat down a hair. Sigh...

GREAT IDEA about moving the eggs around. Still air incubators are like that, unfortunately. I used an old Brower once and probably lost a week of sleep checking on the temperature fluctuations/levels and hot/cold spots.
I think I was using 4 thermometers in mine too. By the way, I set them on the same day, but had them hatch 2 days apart, so you might find some of your chicks really are a little behind...but don't give up on them.
We've had two power outages since setting eggs and some wild fluctuations in humidity early on, so I don't have a lot of hope for these little guys. Will lock down tomorrow same as you all and see what happens Friday.

I hope they're OK.
I've heard of people still having great hatches with some extreme situations. They might be a little delayed from not getting heat during the power outage, but they might be fine. Have you candled for movement recently?
Day 16!!!! How is everyone doing? I candeled a few yesterday and I didn't see much, it's really dark in there. I don't think my candeler is bright enough! 2 more days until lockdown, getting excited! My hubby is going to a business meeting out of town and asked if I wanted to go....darn, I have my eggs due on the 30th and do not dare leave!

My 5 Easter Egger's seem to be doing fine. It's weird, the last two nights, I've seen my humidity drop to 22% (when it had been around 35% just an hour earlier)? Both nights I added water and it quickly went back up to about 40%. Now I'm keeping the vent plugs in and it seems to be holding steady around 40%. I'm not worried that it will hurt the chicks because it was such a short time, but it is just strange that it plummetted so suddenly.

Tomorrow is lockdown.
I can't wait to candle one last time, even if it's too dark to see anything. I guess I'll just look for veins and any movement toward the aircell. I'm moving these eggs into a still-air Hova Bator because I've got 13 other eggs only on Day 10 in the current bator. Tonight I will get the other bator plugged in and try to get the temps and humidity nice and cozy for them to hatch.
Good luck, everyone!
Still air incubators are like that, unfortunately.

It's got a fan that still appears to be working, so I'm thinking maybe it's the heating element. Not going to do anything with it until after hatching. I'm putting the eggs in cartons for lockdown, and going to try to keep as many as possible on the cooler side and toward the middle. Everything was stable until Sat. Hopefully by moving the less-developed eggs to the warmer side, they can catch up some.
I'm undecided if I want to use egg cartons or put them on their sides for lockdown. I know there are pros and cons with both and I don't know what I want to do yet.
What's everyone else doing?

Last time I put them on their sides, because I thought it would more natural. With the aircells marked, I know which side is bigger and place that side up, toward the window. It's cool to see them pip in almost the same exact spot (lower, left side of aircell line) and start zipping counter-clockwise until they can pop out.

Tomorrow is LOCKDOWN
I need to get my other incubator warmed up and ready tonight. Right now..........I'm having a strong desire to candle my eggs to look for movement, internal pips and mark aircells one last time.

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