Set 8-26 anyone else?

... I got up at 5am and had a pip, and had to go to a cross country meet where I had committed myself to recording our team's finishing times. How focused do y'all think I was? All and sundry there KNOW beyond a doubt that this is the level of my devotion to the xc team, that I would risk missing a hatch to be there!

But (relief) I got home to two additional pipps, but no chicks yet. But three pipps! Woo! C'mon, babies!
Go, chickies, go!

Two more have hatched; 5 eggs left from the 8/28 batch. Hoping I come home from shopping later today to have pips in all of them!
And - well, this morning, egg #8 had pipped. The other two eggs which had pipped since were numbers 1 and 11.

Number 1 has zipped and hatched! Hello silkie baby!

My first silkies. This whole black skin thing is really messing with me. Am I correct in guessing that (s)he's buff(ish)? These eggs are from a mixed pen.
Or ... four dozen? Pshaw. I wish I had four dozen. But - speaking of additional silkies ...

... then there were two!

This one's about 2/3 the size of the first one. She's soooooooo tiny. These are my first bantams. I'm going to grind up starter now. Wheee!
Here are my latest pics of the first four... number 5 is out, but not ready for a photo-op


#2 and #3

#2 and #4


Any idea what colors they will be with that dark and light????

And, is the blond one going to be red or something else??

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