Set 8-26 anyone else?


Is this pipping? Lower left on egg, it has broke through. What now? How long should it take now?

Can you tell this is my first?
That is pipping. How long now? Anywhere from 30 minutes to 36 hours, I think - though most "interventionists" will help after 24 hours or so.

Don't let your humidity drop now! Keep it right there. You'll have a baby soon! Should be able to hear it cheeping, now or soonish, and then you'll see it start to zip around in a circle, making a poptop for the egg. Then there will be all these heaves in there, and you'll catch your breath every time you see the membrane stretch through the gap ... and then you'll have a baby!

Remember your Lamaze breathing. You'll probably need it while you wait, if only for something to do.
Edwards' East of Eden :

That is pipping. How long now? Anywhere from 30 minutes to 36 hours, I think - though most "interventionists" will help after 24 hours or so.

Don't let your humidity drop now! Keep it right there. You'll have a baby soon! Should be able to hear it cheeping, now or soonish, and then you'll see it start to zip around in a circle, making a poptop for the egg. Then there will be all these heaves in there, and you'll catch your breath every time you see the membrane stretch through the gap ... and then you'll have a baby!

Remember your Lamaze breathing. You'll probably need it while you wait, if only for something to do.

Yes, that's pipping! I get so excited that nothing gets done around the house. Just keep going back to see if any zips or any change. Really exciting when I go to bed and wake in the morning to a bator full of fuzzers!

We have 4 out of 4 hatched - we are done. Even hatched when our power was out for over 24 hours from Tropical storm Irene. Tough little ones!​
I had four more unzip and pop out overnight!

(Since I took this picture and set up to upload it to flickr and then link it here, egg number 21, shown bottom center, has finished zipping and made it out. I got a little distracted watching the hatchcam with some friends on facebook.)
Everybodies babies are so beautiful

Here is a pic of my new blue laced red wyandotte chicks that just hatched!
I got the eggs from Danny39 or Brent at the BYC Auction! They are so beautiful

Thank You So Very Much Brent


I've yet to go and see what's up this morning.... everyone's been fed (ponies, cats, dogs, chicken and Hummers) but I haven't checked on mama and babies yet. They have food and water and babies were eating and drinking last night
My #5 is hopping around mama this morning!! Yay!!

MamaHen is still on the nest - how long do they usually stay on there? Today is day 23 I think.

The babies are getting around, they run and explore around mama, and they go eat and drink. I can't believe how fast they are.... :O
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Ok, I'm back! Had 8 hatch but unfortunately the last three didn't make it of the incubator alive. So sad! But now on to the 5 healthy chicks, anyone out there ever hatch French Black Copper Marans? 3 are black and white and 2 are brown. Are these something else?



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