Set Eggs April 30th... Whose w/ me?

Alright. Now I am officially worried. My first baby is fine and in the brooder. I have 6 other pipped eggs (since 6am) with no progress. Also, I have one that died during zipping. :'(

My first one pipped at 6:30 pm on 5/19 and did not hatch until 6pm today!!! 8 that pipped almost 12 hours after her all hatched before her :D

I have 13 of 35 hatched right now. Number 14 is moments away....she had a loose air cell right up to day 15! Almost all of the remaining eggs have pipped as well!! So happy...especially since my air cells were so small on day 18 I thought I was going to lose them all.
my chick is now causing trouble rolling over the pipped and hatching eggs so i broke protocol and turned them up right reallly fast. i only have 1 fully hatched out of 14. 3 other have pipped and the other ones dont show any signs of anything. Which sucks.
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my chick is now causing trouble rolling over the pipped and hatching eggs so i broke protocol and turned them up right reallly fast. i only have 1 fully hatched out of 14. 3 other have pipped and the other ones dont show any signs of anything. Which sucks. 

Congrats on your baby!!
It is still early....I'm sure you will see them all pipped soon!! It is the longest day waiting for eggs to hatch
I had 13 kicking eggs around...don't worry...they will be fine. They can still hatch if they are upside down. You don't want to risk your humidity unless you absolutely have to....and you shouldn't have to :)
So i went to bed with only 2 chicks fully hatched. I got up at 10:00am and saw that 4 more chicks popped out of their eggs! So i'm up to 6 chicks. I have another 2-3 egg starting. I'm just a bit worried that one egg looks like it might have had "help" hatching by another chick peking it. :(

I am also curious how long can hatched chicks stay in the incubator for? I'm thinking tonight I'll start putting them in the brooder box maybe.
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I woke up this morning the 4 new babies and then I went to the store and came back to another new one! I have 6 total. I moved them all to the brooder.

I still have the dead one that passed while zipping in the incubator (kind of hoping for it to miraculously come back to life...) and then 2 other eggs that have showed no signs of moving, peeping or pipping. I hope for one of them to hatch, because they're little black silkies and I want one! Lol i have White, Splash and Buff that hatched already.

They sure are cute little buggers! I'll try to get some pics soon. They're just still so sleepy.
We are all hatched out :weee
32 of 35 hatched!! :jumpy Pretty sure the last three didn't make it....but 32 babies that look great. So glad it is done. Now I can sleep
I have set 15 eggs on 4/30 this was my first time and these were shipped eggs I was bummed that 9 were not fertized and then had 2 blood rings early on so that left 4 and they were growing and made it to lock down I have 1 that hatched this morning and another that is pipped and working on getting out and the others I don't see anything yet I am really bummed about this
Congrats on your first hatch. I am up to 8 chicks and the 9th hatching out of 14 eggs.
Before lock down all 14 eggs had chicks in them. i'm thinking about moving some of them to the brooder box shortly.

I am getting worried. but not sure if i should intervien. One has zipped half way and hasn't progressed in some time. the white has became a light brown. i'm not sure if its sleeping or ......... I don't like saying the D word that often. I don't like helping chicks out either due to an incident a few years ago that was utterly disgusting. almost gagged.
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Meet one of my 12 chicks... I named him Jessie James, or Houdini because he disappeared and causes a lot of trouble for me. lol.
He "disappeared" for a while from the cage. I continued to count 11 chicks and knew I had 12 so I started to tear my room apart looking for him, but he was in the cage all along. I use dog pads as the bedding and the dog pads over lap a little and he was under part of it . Probably got stepped on poor thing. But he seems to be doing great but a bit pushy. lol. He also happens to be my favorite.
Well, here it is on the night of day 22.

I think it's pretty safe to call it.

Out of 37 eggs that made it to lockdown, 35 hatched, two are just sitting there like a couple of duds. If there's nothing happening by tomorrow morning, I may eggtopsy them just for educational purposes.

I had two chicks that zipped, and then started to get stuck. One was stuck for so long I was sure it was just going to die halfway out of its shell. It had pooped in the shell, and gotten all stuck... I weighed my options and then decided what the heck, give it a shot. I soaked the worst stuck spots in warm water and got the poor thing unstuck. I seriously doubt it will be very hardy, and I may end up culling, but it was an interesting experience, and that's a big part of why I'm doing this. To learn.

All in all I am pretty pleased. For one of those wonky styrofoam incubators, AND having a snafu with the power halfway through, I would be a fool to complain about this success rate.

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