Set eggs today3/11 Due 4/1 for Easter! 1st ever hatch! Please join me!

For this being our cochins first shot at hatching, and ours too (I have a feeling she will be better at it than me) it has been great, nature is pretty awesome to see in action.
Since we are doing both right now, a broody is SOOOOOOOO much easier (we go into lock-down today, and I can't pull myself away from the bator for longer than a 1/2 hour in fear of a temp spike). I don't have to worry about anything with her, (and her hatch rate was 100%, I wished we gave her more than 4 to sit on) it's a total "set and forget". She turned into a great mom, she doesn't attack us, just gives us a warning that she is on duty.

A neighbor put out an old rabbit hutch that I repaired and modified to become her "nursery", it is protected inside the run of the main coop, everyone can see each other but be safe. In a few days we will let her out to explore and teach the youngins the ways of the world. It has worked out great, she has already taught them to eat and drink, she squaks and they dive back under her (so fun to watch them play "whack-a-mole" under her wings)

I can't recommend a broody enough, it is almost worth putting up with her broodyness when there were no eggs under her.
Well I'm done. All in the brooder.
All American Dominiques from my flock.
Set 14
Lost one on 14th day candling
Lost one 18th day candling, one was behind on development kept in.
10 hatched, two other eggs never pipped.
culled one due to bieng deformed
Nine healthy and in the brooder.
the best to everyone.
Day 19 for our incubator eggs and tonight we have our first pip and can hear peeping! It is one of our EE's. I have a feeling my hubby will be up all night watching. We have been having temp and humidity issues all day.
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EE #1


EE #2

Today is day 20. We have 2 hatched, 4 pips and 12 more to go. Right now the two that have hatched are using the others like soccer balls.
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These are my 2 week old babies! Crystal Ice (in the middle) is my favorite.
She's a beautiful lavender frizzle!

How are everyone else's chicks doing?
I love Crystal Ice! She is so pretty.

We ended up with 15 total. Not bad for our first hatch. 6 Barred EE's, 3 Silkies and 6 EE's. I will post updated pictures later. We are not keeping them all but are definately keeping more than we planned. They are just so cute! The rest are going to their new homes this weekend.
We kept 5 of the 15 chicks. The rest all went to a horse farm where they will get to free range once they are bigger.

They are 4 weeks old now.


Lucy (EE)


Georgia (Barred Rock/EE)


Daphne (EE)


Betty (EE)


Josie (Barred Rock/EE)

One more of the gang with Nilla (their Mamma Hen)

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