***Set my first 14 Eggs Today 2/25 with a due date of March 18th***


10 Years
May 22, 2009
Nescopeck, PA
Starting my hatching today 2/25 with a due date of 3/18. First timer with 14 Wheaten Marans in a HovaBator Genesis 1588.
Im so anxious already i don't know How I will make 21 days. I barely made it through the 24 hrs of settling before starting incubating. LOL

I understand the feeling I set a bunch Sunday and snuck 3 more in this week. I cannot wai to see how they tun out.

Good luck with you hatch!
Thanks guys.... im kind ofsurprised how excited and protective i am of the eggs LOL... Youd think i layed them or something. Good Luck on your hatches as well. let me know how yours are going. Heres a picture of my Wheaten Marans eggs.

OK... It's my first time incubating and hatching as well as first time for everything else. Today is my day 20 for my 14 Wheaton Marans Eggs from Wheaties and I had to run on here and announce that I have found 6 eggs pipped and I am so excited to see that there is movement and life. I didnt candle or handle the eggs at all so the nervousness of not knowing if I was doing ANYTHING right and if any at all were alive was killing me. I can't believe just how excited I am. i feel like im skipping around my house today LOL... I bet you all are laughing at me. I just had to get on to share. Pictures will be available as soon as I have more. YAY



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