Set my very first eggs today (due March 24th) - need a hatching buddy!

It's been very quiet here today-everyone's incubating going OK? Temp and humidity holding steady and tried to candle and COULD NOT see anything(stupid flashlight).
Hope it's going well for all of you!
Mine is all good here. I promised myself I would stay out of there for a couple days.

"Saragot hatcher" hatching on Ssaturday for me. And next Saturday MY bator is due.
Well I can't tell anything with mine becasue they are under momma. I really don't want to mess
with her more than i already do and it is really different than when i had them in the bator.
For some reason I do no that I am way less stressed out about it. I think that is because I don't
have to worry about my temps and humidity issues and all. I like it way better plus i am not messing
with the eggs all the time like I no some of you are doing!! LOL! Been there!!!
Oh and when you hear and see them hatching, it was all I could do not to open that lid and want to help!!
Ok so I did open the lid and help a few. OF course I no that I shouldn't have but I just could not resist and
this is very very very very bad. messes up the humidity and all and I no that is why several of them did not
hatch. Soooooo go momma go and you all keep them lids shut!!! LOL!!!!

Can't wait for babies!!!!!!
Well I candled last night on day 7 and only had three clear which leaves 13.

Lots of veining and little moving black dot!
I did leave the clear ones in for now just in case...some of those eggs have funny mottling on them which makes them hard to see through.
Still not getting my humidity up above the low 40s...any ideas if that is too low.

The air sacs looked pretty big.
They're shipped bantam eggs.
I am on Day 6!! DH and I bought 24 chicks that will arrive on April 7.

Have posted another thread regarding my candling. Here is the situation:

17 eggs: veining and little things moving around

9 eggs: still show the blood island and that is it or at least I hope it is the blood island. Are these late bloomers? These 9 are all Silver-Laced Wyandottes too...hmmmm
All was well with the incubator when I checked it before I went to bed last night-woke up and temp had dropped to 97 and I don't know how long it had been that low
This is VERY nervewracking.

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