Set my very first eggs today (due March 24th) - need a hatching buddy!

I would like to introduce everyone to my very first chick: Diz, a black australorp. She is calling for the other chicks well as now I have 6 eggs that have pipped!!

I wonder how many we've hatched collectively until now!

I started my bator with 30 eggs on Day 1.

After candling on Day 14, I discarded the infertile eggs and the early quitters.

I kept a few questionable eggs, as I couldn't see through the dark shell.

Ended up with 17 eggs in the bator on lockdown - out of those, 1 was not fertile, 1 quit on day 18 or 19 (was shrinkwrapped for no apparent reason, so sad) and 15 hatched into beautiful healthy babies!

I did end up having to assist 4 births.

One baby has curled toes and can't walk properly, so I will have to splint his feet.

But still! Not bad for my very first hatch!
Here's my blue Orp passed out.

And after it dried a bit.

And a silver penciled rock that just hatched. (This was the 3rd)

I have a splash Orp too, but haven't been able to get a shot of it yet. (it's resting in the corner)
I only ended up with one baby out of 12(decided to name her
Avery). I was pretty skeptical about being able to hatch shipped Serama eggs-I guess my dream of having Seramas will have to wait.
new2chooks you are a wonderful hatching buddy(as are you all!). You were the last one to hatch any chicks and yet you were right there hanging in for the rest of us! You're a good egg.
Technodoll thanks so much for letting me be a part of your hatching thread.
For those of you still waiting-I hope you all have successful hatches!
And congratulations again to everyone on new chicks!

Tomorrow I clean out the incubator and put it away for a while, I guess. How bout the rest of you?

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