Set my very first eggs today (due March 24th) - need a hatching buddy!

I have pics!! Everybody successfully came thru despite the temperature fluctuation.
The two yellow ones are Buff/White Leghorn mixes, the Buff one Im hoping is a purebred Buff, and the black one Im not sure if its Black Austrolorpe or Barred Rock/ Buff cross.
That was the last one that took its time hatching. He/she finally came in around 12:30 last night.
It was a long day!!!!


Yes... Congrats on the new little ones.

I am going into lockdown as of this evening. I candled an egg yesterday and saw the chick doing the YMCA. Dancing away!!!!

I have heard many different numbers for the humidity to be at. I have built my own forced air bator. Would 65% humidity be better than 70%?
Sounds like everyone has their hands full with new fuzzybutts. I locked down last night, running a steady 99* @ 55-60 %. I put together another incubator yesterday, it's on a 24hr test run, seems to be doing fine. If it continues to do well I will be setting my second batch of eggs tonight.

Hope all goes well for everyone.
Just have to say.... my first ever buff orp broody sitting on a mix of mutt eggs for a friend got her first chick... and could easily see 2 more of the 10 have pipped... This little girl(being optimistic) is outta my EE egg...

Why is it, no matter how hard you stare at the eggs through the window of the incubator it does not make them hatch!

I have NOTHING-no pips, no peeps, no rocking-nada!

Congrats to the rest of you on your new babies-so precious!
As for me, I'll just sit here, patiently-NOT!
To the rest of you on lockdown-keeping my fingers crossed for you.

ihvpower-Lockdown is the last 3 days of incubation when you jack the humidity up to 60-70%(temp stays the same) and don't open the incubator unless you HAVE to!
Hi all! Drug into hatching on day 1 with the delivery of my hovabator at 12 and the eggs at 2 to my classroom! I KNEW NOTHING ABOUT EGGS except I prefer mine scramble fried! I think we've done well with the turning and hopefully the humidity has been right, I have recently candled and have 7 dark eggs with air cells large enough to put about 25 BB's into. They are due Thursday the 25th. I was planning lockdown tonight by filling the water channels and saying a prayer. There will be 28 disappointed 4th and 5th graders - not to mention the teacher - if nothing happens. Anyone online with some tips??? Thanks!

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