Settin chicken eggs tonight! 8-4-11

OK I feel like a COMPLETE DUMMY!

I just realised that my ducks may be laying. Once in awhile I was getting what I thought was just a splotchy egg from my EE hen... But I think this whole time I was seeing mallard/rouen eggs(not sure if theyre mallard or rouen)

I didnt know the ducks were laying yet, honestly I assumed theyd be bigger than a chicken egg, but come to think of it they are about the size of my BO and EE so it would make sense that the eggs would be about the same right?

Heres the problem.. I unknowingly stuck a duck egg in with this batch thats supposed to go in to lockdown tonight, thinking it was an EE egg... Is this going to hurt anything for the duck egg..I am posting a pic and if any of you think you can tell if its mallard egg please let me know! I am posting this in the duck thread too!

Sorry about the quality of he pic btw

Well actually day 18 is lockdown. I've heard of people moving eggs from a broody to an incubator but I don't know much on the subject.

Mommabug: I honestly don't know about ducks but if it's already in there then I'd just go with the flow and hope it's alright.

So I got home last night from bein out of town. Yesterday was day 18, well yesterday evening. I took everybody out of the turner and added lots of water. We head off to bed and I keep thinkin I hear music playing when there shouldn't've been. So my boyfriend gets up to go see if maybe we left an ipod running or something. Next thing I know he's hollerin at me to "Come here! And egg is moving!!"

I jump up and run in there and sure enough a Golden Lakenvelder egg is just a rockin and a rollin! We watched the little sucker wiggle around for probably 30 minutes. Also, a black sex link egg started wigglin while we watched. I'm so excited!!
Hi KDailey !

We'll be hatching some Marans eggs soon too ! (whenever she lays an egg, today, tomorrow, the next day....)

We (my son and I) have a debate about the best temperature to incubate. I like it at 102 degrees Fahrenheit with the thermometer laying on the top of the eggs in the center of the heating ring, but still visible in the little window on top. The eggs usually hatch out a few days earlier. He likes to keep it at 99.5 or 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

This past spring we hatched out 111 chickies from eggs (from 5 different breeds). This time around we are only going to hatch out 10 eggs.

It's so much fun to have little chickies and to watch them grow up. They are just too adorable.

We have chickie pics for each breed up on our website.

Have you been to it yet ?

Well actually day 18 is lockdown. I've heard of people moving eggs from a broody to an incubator but I don't know much on the subject.

Mommabug: I honestly don't know about ducks but if it's already in there then I'd just go with the flow and hope it's alright.

So I got home last night from bein out of town. Yesterday was day 18, well yesterday evening. I took everybody out of the turner and added lots of water. We head off to bed and I keep thinkin I hear music playing when there shouldn't've been. So my boyfriend gets up to go see if maybe we left an ipod running or something. Next thing I know he's hollerin at me to "Come here! And egg is moving!!"

I jump up and run in there and sure enough a Golden Lakenvelder egg is just a rockin and a rollin! We watched the little sucker wiggle around for probably 30 minutes. Also, a black sex link egg started wigglin while we watched. I'm so excited!!

First off congrats KDailey! I thought I saw an EE egg wiggle slightly when I was looking at them this morning when I first woke up. But I was still so tired from sitting up till 4am watching them, my eyes were kinda foggy and dry from sleep, so I couldnt be sure.. I stared HARD but it never moved again

Anyone know what the temp should be during hatch? Should it stay at 99.5? Because since yesterday the temp keeps spiking for some reason to 101(temp taken from top of eggs, no one is touching the dial, and its been pretty steady up until yesterday... Is that an indication of good things to come?
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Hope everyones hatchings go well!!
I hatched chicken and ducks together my first time because I just couldn't throw the 7 chickens out and do just the ducks like people recommended. The ducks take 28 days to hatch and chickens 21. So you would have 2 different lockdowns and I kept humidity at 55%. Then at lockdown I raised humidity for chickens to 60-65% and ducks to 70-75%. My chickens were done hatching by the time my ducks went into lockdown. I have chickens and guineas in right now they also have different hatch dates but same humidity. Good Luck!!

Yaaa, Lockdown for my 4 cochins today!

Good Luck Hatching Everyone!!
Very nice website EM Squared! I wish you were closer. I'd take some more BB reds in a heartbeat!

I've got everything crossed that the wheaten marans will hatch. My fingers, toes, legs....heck even my eyes!
oh my snickers i hope i didnt kill them because when Rose (broody) stepped on the egg i had to move the eggs away from the messy pile of goo and also had to clean them off because of the goo on them! we started with 6 and she stepped on 2 so now we only have 4!!!!! what do you think (KDailey and anyone else) the hatch rate of them is now??????

KDailey: i am so happy that you saw the eggs wiggling!!! YAY!!!!!! you have to share pics when they hatch!!!! oh and also was there music on?? lol i know that it is a little awkward lol but i just wanted to know!! LOL!!!!!! my best friends call me a creepy stalker because i ask awkward Q's like that lol
lol!!!!!! good luck!!!

<3 kelsey
We have babies!!!!

EE hatched yesterday and I got the entire thing on video!! He's all fluffed up today and is a pale yellow with tan/brown chipmunk stripes. Name is Uno and he'll stay with me forever simply because he's my first ever baby to hatch.

Then this morning I woke up to a Cochin baby (probably barred) and a Blue Andalusian baby!

AND There are 6 more pipped!! These guys aren't even due till tomorrow but I'm totally ok with it. They're soooo cute!! I'll have to upload pictures later.

Anybody else have babies yet?

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